Ch. 3 A Common Interest

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Alice and James were both in incredibly happy moods during the day Saturday. Both were flooded with the wonderful memories they shared in high school. After breakfast, Alice started tidying up her kitchen a little bit. She went to go put some utensils away in a drawer when she found a Snickers bar in the drawer. She picked it up and smiled, as she remembered how James used to slip her Snickers bars in the hallway because he knew she loved them. She unwrapped the candy bar and took a bite out of it. She wiped the stringy bit of caramel off her lip. She had spent the morning eating, a stack of pancakes drenched in syrup and some scrambled eggs, but she can never resist a Snickers bar. It was about noon when she realized she was still wearing her PJ's. She was wearing a satin pajama top that buttoned up, but only the middle button was fastened as the shirt was too tight for her if the rest of the shirt was buttoned up. Her satin pajama shorts getting a little short on her, as anyone walking behind her could see the bottom of her butt cheeks. Alice walked into her bedroom to go get changed. As she walked into her room she looked into her mirror on the wall, and unbuttoned the one button on her pajama top. One sleeve fell off her shoulder to reveal her breast. She took her hand and squeezed and rubbed her breast, then moved down to her belly, grabbed it where it's fattest, and shook it around. She wondered if James would noticed the weight she's put on since high school, and if she dare tell him she loves it.

Prior to the date, James was getting ready, pondering how he will approach this situation. He knows he's excited to reconnect with Alice, but he also knows his preference in women. When he last saw Alice, she was a fit, skinny captain of the cheerleading team. He's happy to reconnect with her, but he really wants a big woman to give his love to. He buttoned up his shirt, fixed his collar, took one last look at himself in the mirror, and then left for the big date.

The cab James took got caught in some traffic, road closures, and general confusion about where the restaurant even is, he ended up showing 10 minutes late. He rushed into the restaurant, told the hostess his name, and she pointed to a table in the back corner of the restaurant, where Alice was sitting sipping a glass of wine and eating some of the bread. As James approached his heart began to race, and as he got closer, Alice noticed he was approaching, smiled and got up out of her chair, arms extended out motioning she wants a hug. She was wearing a sleek, forming fitting black dress, with black heels. James leaned in for the hug, and it was a warm, familiar hug. But he immediately noticed that she was... fat! Her dress absolutely hugged her little belly and her bulging breasts were absolutely struggling to be contained. James pulled out Alice's chair for her, and she smiled and sat down.
"You always were a gentleman," Alice quipped.
"Well it's not always do I have the pleasure of sharing your company," James replied.
"Well how long has it been? Since high school?" Alice asked
"Yeah, that summer after graduation before I moved into the city for school, and you look exactly the same!" said James
"Well, maybe a little fatter!" Replied Alice.
They both laughed about that, and it excited James that Alice pointed out her weight gain.
The waiter walks up to the couple and asks for their order;
"I'll take a pint of beer, the prime rib medium rare, with the baked potato please," orders James.
"And I'll take the fried shrimp platter with extra garlic butter dipping sauce please, and make those fries extra crispy. And I'll take a pint as well too please." Orders Alice.
Alice wondered if James would notice she ordered the most fattening thing on the menu.
"So what do you do for work?" Asks James
"Oh it's pretty boring, but I'm an IT associate at Globo-National Bank." Replies Alice.
"Do they have you working from home?" Asks James.
"Yeah, but honestly, I don't mind it. I kind of like rolling out of bed and starting work in what I wore for bed." Alice smiles. "What do you do?"
"I'm an architectural engineer for Skyline Enterprises in Manhattan." James replies.
"Wow moneybags, must be nice!" Alice jokes.
"It's a lot of work, but it's cool to see your finished work sitting within the New York skyline."
"I really like that James."

The waitress finally brings out their food.
James unfolds his napkin, puts it on his lap, and starts to cut into his prime rib. Alice stuffs her napkin down the neck of her dress, picks up a fried shrimp, drenched it in garlic butter, and eats the shrimp in one bite. Before other free hand is grabbing the ketchup she dumps onto her fries. "What do you like to do in your free time these days?" Asks James.
"Oh usually I work late hours, so I barely even leave my house. I just turn my computer off, grab a snack, and binge watch some new show until I fall asleep."
"Sounds like a dream." James jokes.
"Honestly I'm pretty content with life right now, and I'm happy to start getting out and about more. Especially now that we've reconnected." Alice grins.
"You have no idea how much of a sight for sore eyes you are Alice." James puts down his fork and knife, grins, and leans a little closer to Alice. Alice grabs two more pieces of shrimp, dips them and shoves them into her mouth. James can't help but smile and look at her. He can't believe how much he missed her, and now she was sitting there right in front of him.
"James, do you notice anything different about me since we've last seen each other?" Asks Alice.
James doesn't know what to say. He couldn't help but notice how tight her black dress was, how the spaghetti straps looked they wanted to snap from the weight of her boobs. He noticed how she stuffed herself with fried food, and didn't seem anywhere near full. "Alice, you've aged like a fine wine."
"And I've swelled like a balloon!" She jokes.
"And you want to know the craziest thing? I think I kind of like."
James' head felt like he was spinning. The girl of his dreams just told him she liked the fact that she was packing on weight. James could feel his boner creeping up along his leg. All of a sudden, Alice pulls the napkin out from between her cleavage. She dusts the crumbs off her hands and lap, and gets up out of her seat. As she stands up, she pulls her tight black dress in an attempt to cover up her thickening thighs. She walks around the table and up behind James chair, and leans down over James. She looks around the restaurant, that was now much quieter as it got later into the evening, notices the coast is clear, and quickly reaches her arm down, over James back, and grabs James' crotch. "I knew it." She whispers. Her hand shoots back up, and she slinks back into her seat. "I knew you were always were a fat admirer." She remarks.
James is visibly sweating. "I can't help it. I don't know where it comes from but women with big appetites and big, fat bodies turn me on like nothing else." James exclaims.
Alice smiles a seductive grin. "I always saw the way you looked at the big girls at school, the way you always wanted to go eat greasy foods after practice." Alice leans forward and grabs James' hand. "I've embraced the gluttonous lifestyle recently, I know you can tell, and I, look, fucking, HOT."
"I know this is a lot for you, so just put your tongue back in your mouth, order me dessert, while I finish my food."

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