Ch. 5 The Start of Something More

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James woke up the big spoon with his right arm drooped over Alice's side, clutching her bare breast. He woke up before she did, as she quietly breathed the melodic tune people sound asleep do. James slowly slides away from Alice, gets up, and exits the bedroom. He opens the fridge in the kitchen. The fridge is packed full with food, which gives James an idea. He grabs the carton of eggs, some butter, cheese, onions, peppers, bacon, and gets to work making omelets. James grabs six eggs, and begins to work on the two-egg omelet for himself. After he finishes his omelet, he cracks four eggs for Alice's omelet. He loads it up with butter, bacon bits, red and green peppers, onions, and lots of cheese. The giant omelet nearly fills the dinner plate he plops it on. The bedroom doors opens, which reveals Alice wearing tight, red pajama shorts and a black tank top that slowly slides up her belly as she walks towards the kitchen. "The smell of food woke me up!" Alice laughs. Alice licks her lips at the sight of the giant omelet sitting on the kitchen table. "Is, is that one mine??" She grabs a fork and sits down in front of the still steaming omelet. She cuts her fork in and takes a big bite. As she's chewing she's staring at James in approval. "Oh my god James, this is amazing!" She quickly takes another large bite. While Alice is working on her omelet, James finishes up making some of the extra bacon slices, and plops a plate down on the table in front of Alice. He sits down with her and his omelet and begins eating. Alice is already nearly halfway done with her omelet. They smile at each other as the continue to eat their breakfast. Alice finished her omelet with a burp and a rub of her belly, which she's given up on trying to keep the tank top from rolling up along her belly. She immediately goes for one of the extra pieces of bacon. "Save some for me, Alice!" James asks, "I love bacon." Alice grabs another piece as she's chewing the rest of her first one. "Oh so do I, Jamesy" Alice takes a look at her second piece, "And it's nice and crispy, just how I like it!" She shoves the second piece in her mouth. James quickly grabs one piece of bacon, which causes Alice to jealously grab a third. As James finished his omelet, Alice eats the remaining three pieces of bacon on the plate. With a smug smile at James as she finishes the last piece. As James finishes up his breakfast, Alice asks him to bring out the brownie sundae from last. "You woke up hungry!" James jokes. "I was literally dreaming about that soft brownie and the sticky-smooth ice cream on top last night!" Alice says with a giggle. James grabs the styrofoam container the sundae came in, and sits down with it on the chair besides Alice. He opens the box, and plunges his fork into a large bite, same as he did last night. He shoved the bite into Alice's expecting mouth. James put his free hand underneath Alice's belly for support, it's not nearly as swollen as it was last night, but still requires James to use a lot of his strength if he wants to lift it with his one hand. Before James can prepare the next bite, Alice asks him, "When did you learn you liked big girls James?" James smiles and begins to think back. It's something he's always been fixated on, even when he was a kid. Around puberty, when he started getting his first erections, it was while he was exploring videos of fat women online, struggling to do things skinny women would find easy. "Probably around the time you and I would consider each other our best friends." James answers, and shoves another bite into Alice's mouth. Alice nods to his answer as she chews. "I always had my suspicions." Alice says as she finishes chewing. James seems surprised by this, "How could you tell?" Alice rubs her belly, and tries to pull down her tank top, but it just snaps back up to the bunch up above her belly. "I've never been the skinniest of girls, you know" Alice starts, "I was thick in the right places, and maybe just a little chubby, but I wasn't fat when we were besties." James shoves another bite of sundae into her mouth. After she finished chewing, Alice was about halfway done with the last of the sundae. "I could tell you loved it whenever we went to those fast food places, James, and I would order a big meal with dessert and eat it all" Alice smiles. "By our senior year of high school, we knew each other for so long, I could tell when something pleased you, even if you were trying to hide it." James shoves another big bite of brownie into Alice's mouth, she chews and rubs her belly some more. "Throughout college I thought about why you found me eating so pleasing. Of course, I gained the freshman 15, and could start to feel how soft and jiggly I got from over-eating unhealthy foods." Another bite of brownie sundae. Alice softly moans while chewing this second to last bite. James smiles and lightly jiggles her belly. "At first, I tried going to the university gym, and work off the weight I had gained," Alice starts while James is still jiggling her belly, "but I'd always go back to my dorm and pig out on whatever I had laying around, like bags of chips and other junk foods." Alice slides off the kitchen chair and pours herself a glass of whole milk from the fridge, after taking a sip of the tall glass, she wipes the milk mustache off with her forearm. "I hated the gym, and it didn't matter how much I worked out if I was just going to stuff my face with sweets and fried foods when I got back." Alice took her glass of milk to the living room, and plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV. The TV was connected to a desktop computer in the entertainment center. Alice had a mouse and keyboard rested on the coffee table. She accessed a file on a server she has shared between all the computers in her apartment, and it opens up to hundreds of videos of fat and obese women. "This is my smut folder." Alice blushes. "After I gave up on the gym, I began doing some research on women who like gaining weight. I found out there was a community of thousands of women around the world who loved what too much food did to their body." She clicks on one video, it begins with a stick-thin model posing on a beach. As the video progresses, you can tell the model is filling out a bit in her photos. Eventually the video switches to her no longer being professionally photographed, and she is now vlogging a trip to a fancy restaurant. Eventually, the same women is filming herself eating a hefty portion of Chinese food. "This woman was a beautiful swimsuit model, who discovered her love of overeating." Alice starts, "she eventually became one of the most popular mukbang YouTubers." James brings over the last bite of brownie sundae and sits down next to Alice. He sticks the fork in the brownie, soaks up the melted ice cream with the last bite, and slowly places it into Alice's mouth. Alice leans back and rubs her belly while she chews. By now, the woman on the mukbang videos has blown up to an massively overweight woman filling her face with Ramen and dumplings. "She discovered her love for food through these mukbang videos, and famously always finished her massive portions." Alice explains. "Now she's over 300 pounds and shows no signs of slowing her daily mukbangs." Alice chugs the rest of her whole milk, and belches. "How hot would it be if I was over 300 pounds do you think, James?" Alice says with a smile. "Your beauty would barely be able to be contained." James responds. Alice giggles. "What if I told you that I know in myself, that if I were over 300 pounds, I wouldn't want to stop there." Alice climbs onto James' lap, her belly squeezing between herself and James' chest. "Can you help me grow, James?" James grabs Alice's ass and holds her tighter to him. "I know you love my growing body, and I know I would love growing and eating for you." James smiles at Alice. "It would be my honor to help you with that, Alice." Alice and James lean in closer for a long kiss. After they pull away, Alice climbs off of James' lap. "Well in that case, I'm going to need some bigger clothes!" Alice walks into her bedroom. "This tank top is far from the only article of clothing I've recently outgrown!" James follows her into the bedroom.

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