Ch. 7 Building A Routine

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Even when James wasn't with Alice, her voluptuous body and never-ending appetite is all that's on his mind. He's buying more junk foods at the grocery store, he's learning new recipes to cook, and he's preparing to be the most supportive feeder he can be. Alice and John see each other semi-frequently throughout the week. They often spend time at each other's places for a quiet evening at home together on the week nights, and go out together Friday and/or Saturday night. Every time they see each other, increasing amounts of food is usually involved. Alice is slowly developing a major snacking habit. There isn't too many moments throughout the day where she doesn't have something she's nibbling on, especially while she's working. She made an excuse to James the other day, "I work better when I'm eating." She loves salty and savory snacks, especially potato chips, pretzels, and anything extra salty. Then when she finishes what she was snacking on, she'll find something sweet to satisfy her dry and salty mouth. This repeats countless times throughout the day. Special emphasis has been placed on meals. She make sure to eat three large meals a day, and is always trying to add one more side, or one more plate of food. She's certainly trying to grow into her new clothes, which are starting to fit more snugly around her growing body. Alice and James have been trying new restaurants together around the city, often ordering drinks with dinner, which usually is followed by more drinks at a bar, which almost always is followed with sloppy sex back home. Recently, Alice has been introducing food into the bedroom. One afternoon, the two were lounging on her bedroom, while she was chipping away at a slice of cake, she thought it would be fun to sit on James' chest. James loves it when she does this, and it helps him feel just how big Alice is starting to get. Her soft belly rests over his heart, and he loves to rub his face into her soft fat. That particular afternoon, James decides he's going to help Alice finish that slice of cake. He reaches for the plate, and manages to grab another slice of cake for Alice with the fork. He stuffs the piece of cake in Alice's mouth, while she is still sitting on top of him. As she's chewing, she starts to rub her belly up and down James' torso. As she's chewing, and feeling James' torso rub up against her belly and clit, she starts to get incredibly wet. She rips James' clothes off, and the two passionately make love. Since then, it's commonplace to find a brownie or a bowl of ice cream in the bedroom somewhere whenever these two are in the mood. Alice can feel her appetite increase as she continues to push her boundaries. Her hunger pains are starting to become more intense around the usual times she eats meals. James has been an enormous help in encouraging her to always look for ways to increase her portions and her calorie intake. After their first dinner date to the Asian buffet, James noticed that Alice was able to clean up three full plates of food, plus dessert. Recently, the pair went back to that same buffet, but this time, James wanted to play a game. "You are not allowed to get up from the table until you are finished with your meal at the end of the night. I will be preparing and serving you each of your plates of food, you must clean each plate." Alice was very intrigued, and eagerly agreed to play. James quickly prepared her plate at the buffet. He loaded it up with a large bed of fried rice, as well as potstickers, dumplings, an egg roll, and some orange chicken. He walked back to their table where Alice was patiently waiting for her food. Her tight white and black dress hugging her every curve, her belly covering more and more of her lap by the day. James plops the plate down in front of her, and she digs in right away. She was particularly hungry that day, as she had a small lunch. She ate two potstickers and two dumplings at a time. With every bite of the egg roll, she would scoop up some more fried rice. James quickly realized he needed to get the second plate ready earlier than he expected. This time is was a ramen bowl, loaded with more orange chicken, a fried egg, some broth, and a healthy pour of Yum-Yum sauce. Alice licked her lips at the sight of the bowl, and she devoured the ramen. The sauce was all over her cheeks as she slurped up the noodles. Some people were looking in her direction as she greedily gulped up her second helping. James barely had time to finish his first helping by the time she finished up her second helping. "Eat too fast, and you're going to have a stomach ache!" Warned James. "Oh no! Another reason for you to give me a belly rub!" Jokes back Alice. James preps this third helping with 7 fried shrimps, 6 sushi rolls, and 3 crab Rangoon's. Before he sits down, James picks up a shrimp off her plate, and standing above her, feed her the fried shrimp. Alice winked at James as she chewed a rubbed her belly, then looked wearily down at the plate in front of her. She's never one to back down from a challenge, and she wasted no time getting started on this one. She ate a little slower pace now, the amount of fried foods on the plate were very filling. She crunched away and the Rangoon's, getting a bit of crab filling on her cheek. She chewed very slowly on the sushi rolls, often rubbing her belly as she did. As she ate her last sushi roll, she continued with the slow chewing, but breathing deeply, and closed her eyes, as if this last sushi roll was tiring work to devour. She reluctantly scarfed down the shrimp. After she finished, she pushed the plate away from her, and leaned back in her chair and rubbed her belly. "I'm starting to get full, James." She tells him. James quietly gets up from his seat, and enters the buffet area. Alice's worried eyes watch him get up and head back in to get her another plate. She takes a sip of water. James returns with three more shrimps, another Rangoon, and another two more sushi rolls. He also has brought her dessert, which is a two fried rolls covered in sugar and a small bowl of ice cream. Alice's jaw nearly drops on the floor. "James! You know they don't like it when people waste food!!" Alice exclaims. "Then don't waste it." James retorts. Alice pouts in her seat for a second, but then reaches for a shrimp and chews it. She smiles at James, and scoots her chair in closer to the table. She begins to devour the last of her meal before she starts dessert. The shrimps are finished with a cough, which she soon chases down with more water. The sushi is finished with a loud burp, which she then takes another big gulp of water. The Rangoon is finished with concerned eyes staring at dessert, and another big drink of water. Alice looks exhausted. She takes a long look at James, then pats the open seat next to her. James gets up from his and sits down next to her. She slides the dessert plate towards him. He picks up a sugary fried roll, and slowly moves it towards Alice's mouth. She bites down on half of the roll, and James moves the rest of it away for a second as she chews. People are definitely staring. Alice doesn't seem to mind as she leans in for the second half. The two finish the second roll, and the ice cream together. Alice needs help getting up out of her chair on the way out to pay for the meal. She barely made it to the subway station walking, and fell asleep on the train ride home. Lots of belly rubs followed that evening. Together, most weeks turn out pretty much the same as the one before. James and Alice working together to get her as fat as possible. When James had initially agreed to be Alice's feeder, she stepped on the scale to show him she was floating around 193 pounds. That was back in late September. Now it's the week of Thanksgiving, and Alice has decided to step back on the scale to see the work her new feeder has done to her, and to get a baseline for before the holidays. She is surprised to see the scale read 212 pounds. She rubs her belly as she steps down from the scale. She thinks about how much she's going to stuff her face this holiday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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