Going to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

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So when it comes to the characters talking in French, I'll do my best. Google translate and all of that.

But if I don't use Google Translate... just pretend they are talking in French okay?

Third Person POV

Soon the start of terms for Beauxbatons began, and Jada had everything packed as she waited for the carriage at the end of the road leading to Flamel Chateau with her parents.

"Remember to write Jada." Perenelle said.

"I will I promise." Jada said, smiling at her adopted mother.

"And to make sure not to be used by the other boys." Nicholas said.

"Dad." the legacy of wisdom said. "I know and I will. I'll hang out with Fleur when I can and find other kids my age."

They paused when a giant light blue carriage flying towards them, pulled by a dozen winged horses. "That will be your ride. See you at Christmas. The House elves can still hear you at Beauxbatons so don't worry if you need to summon one." Perenelle murmured.

Jada hugged Nicholas and Perenelle one last time before they summoned Dobby to take them back to Flamel Chateau.

The carriage landed and the driver hopped off and bowed to Jada. "Vous pouvez entrer mademoiselle." the driver said "je m'occupe de tes bagages."

Translate: You can get in miss, I'll take care of your luggage.

Jada smiled and nodded. "Très bien."

Translate: Very well

Jada climbed into the carriage as the driver began to stop away her trunk.

The child of fire's trunk was enchanted to always have room, and to summon something she needed she just stuck her hand in and pulled it out with what she needed in her hand.

The legacy of love was then tacked into a hug by a very familiar person.

"Jada! C'est merveilleux de te revoir!" the hugger, a beautiful silver haired fourth year girl smiled at the legacy of magic.

Translate: Jada! Its wonderful to see you again!

Jada chuckled. "Vous à Fleur. Mais peux-tu me déposer maintenant?"

Translate: You to Fleur. But can you set me down now?

The quarter Veela did just that, and the two girls sat down before the carriage began flying again.

The other students in the carriage began to talk with friends again, and the few first years began to chat with one another.

"La vue est magnifique n'est-ce pas? J'adore les calèches et j'ai hâte de vous montrer les terrains de l'école!" Fleur said to the legacy of the moon, who nodded.

Translate: The view is wonderful is it not? I love the carriages, and I can wait to show you the school grounds!

"J'ai hâte de voir Beauxbâtons Fleur. Et la fontaine que mes parents ont faite. Je suis juste content d'aller enfin à Beauxbâtons." Jada said.

Translate: I can't wait to see Beauxbatons Fleur. And the fountain my parents made. I'm just happy to finally go to Beauxbatons.

A new voice piped into their conversation. "A propos de la fontaine, pouvez-vous dire si c'est vrai ou non? Désolé pour mes mauvaises manières, je suis Asher White."

Translate: About the fountain, can you say if its actually true or not? Sorry for my bad manners, I'm Asher White.

Fleur and Jada turned to see a first year boy around Jada's age. The boy, Asher, had dark brown/black hair and icy blue eyes with black flecks.

Jada knew this was the other demigod going to attend Beauxbatons, which she had learned from Chiron.

"Πού είναι η διασκέδαση σε αυτόν τον γιο του Ερμή; Im Jada Flamel, κόρη της Εστίας. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι ακούσατε πώς γεννήθηκα αν είχατε κατασκηνώσει." the legacy of love said.

Translate: Where is the fun in this son of Hermes? Im Jada Flamel, daughter of Hestia. I'm sure you heard how I was born if you had camped.

Fleur was confused at the sudden switch to greek before realizing that the boy was a demigod.

Asher's eyes widened. "Λοιπόν, υποθέτω ότι θα μάθω μόνος μου για το σιντριβάνι. Επίσης, είμαι κληρονομιά του Nyx επίσης, και φυσικά έχω πάει στο στρατόπεδο."

Translate: Well then, I'll guess I'll find out about the fountain myself. Also, I am a legacy of Nyx as well, and of course I've been to camp.

"Pouvons-nous parler dans une langue que je peux parler s'il vous plaît ? En tout cas, j'attends cette année avec impatience." Fleur said.

Translate: Can we talk in a language I can speak please? Anyways, I look forward to this year.

"Pourquoi?" Asher and Jada said at the same time.

Translate: why?

Fleur smirked. "Voir comment les premières années réagissent à leur premier atterrissage est quelque chose que j'ai trouvé un peu drôle."

Translate: Seeing how first years reaction to their first landing is something I found a bit funny.

Before Jada could ask anymore, the carriage landed and the first years wen flying out of their seats.

The child of fire let out a groan of pain as she got back to her feet after the carriage finally stopped moving.

"Vraiment Fleur? Tu n'aurais pas pu nous le dire?" the legacy of wine & madness grumbled to her quarter Veela friend.

Translate: Really Fleur? Couldn't you have told us?

Fleur giggled. "Et où est le plaisir dans cette Jada?"

Translate: and were is the fun in that Jada?

Jada rolled her eyes but got a look out of the window, and was filled with excitement.

She was finally at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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