Third Person POV
Jada was quickly confirming to herself that Beauxbatons was the best choice for her magical education.
Beauxbatons was wonderful and amazing and all in all a wonderful school. And the library was one of the 'Top Ten Largest Libraries in Europe' at number 4.
At Beauxbatons they learned several subjects, magical and mundane. The Core classes were Charms, Potions, Study of All Runes, Transfiguration, DADA, Astronomy, Flying(for first years only), Herbology, and History of Magic.
The students of all also had to do P.E, science, algebra, english, mundane history, and chemistry as well. This was to keep up with the mundane world and blend in better with mundane borns.
Jada was still friends with Fleur, but made a few other friends with the kids her age in her year at the French school of magic.
Life was awesome at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
Jada still gave sacrifices to Hestia, and always hoped one day she would meet her immortal mother.
One Olympus, Hestia could hear Jada's wish and vowed to meet her daughter at least once. She wanted to meet her firstborn child.
Dear Mom and Dad
Well of course its me who else owns Hedwig the snowy owl?
(Wait crap Hedwig I didn't mean it like that). No one owns you, you amazing owl.
Life here at Beauxbatons is amazing. I'm so glad that I chose to go here, and the classes are amazing!
I've written to Annabeth. I've also made a friend, a demigod Asher White, son of Hermes legacy of Nyx.
Asher's cool.
Don't worry about me forgetting to write to you you. You guys will always be my parents.
Enough about me, how have you been? Any knew updates I should know or new discoveries you made?
Anyways I miss you guys a lot.
See you at Christmas!
Jada Flamel
"Potter, Alyssa!" Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress, transfiguration teacher, and head of the Gryffindor House, called out to the line of first years.
It was time for the Sorting Feast at Hogwarts in Scotland.
All of the first years looked around when no girl stepped out of the line.
Where was Alyssa Potter? everyone was thinking.
"Again, Potter, Alyysa!" McGonagall yelled, this time with a hint of desperation in her voice.
Again, no girl came forward.
Minerva felt dread rise up in her when she realized something.
Alyssa, the little baby girl she had loved to visit a decade ago, wasn't here.
The week following Alyssa Potter's lack of appearance at the Sorting Feast was quite hectic.
Rita Skeeter wrote outrageous rumors and gossip that was thinly disguised as newspaper articles, which incited even more panic in the minds of witches and wizards everywhere.

Family of Fire
FanfictionThe Girl Who Lived left the Dursley's care when she was very young, into the family of fire. Now, under a new name, with knowledge of her true heritage, she will not be Dumbledore's pawn but be the fire that will change the Wizarding world... for be...