Third Person POV
Jada was reading contently under a tree, studying for her up coming exams when she heard Asher approach her.
"Hey Asher." she said in English, like they did whenever they were alone. She didn't look up for her book, getting a snort from the legacy of night, who sat down beside her.
"What do you think will happen after the last battle of the war?" he asked her. He was several inches taller than her now, since she was 5'6 herself and Asher was 5'9.
"We live. Have fun." the legacy of wine and madness shrugged, looking up from her book. She silently admire the view of the school.
"Get married?" Asher shyly asked, putting an arm around the green eyed girls shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Well, since you would have to change your last name to match mine and you have my parents approval, then I can say it would be okay."
"Hestia?" Asher asked her. His baby fat was completely gone, showing sharp cheekbones and a sharp nose.
"I'm pretty sure she approves." Jada said, blowing a piece of her red streaked black hair out of her face. She and Hestia had not spoken in a long time.
"Gimme what are you reading." Asher joked, snatching the legacy of magic's book, getting a squawk. "Really? Advanced Ward Weaving and Manipulation? Out of all the 4,999 books in the library that's the one who chose?"
"Give it! And says the boy who's in level five Ancient Rune study!" Jada snapped, jumping to grab the book. Asher teasingly held it above her head until she tripped him with gravity manipulation.
Asher yelled as he went down and Jada quickly snatched her book before Asher grabbed her waist and pulled her onto the ground.
"Asher let me go!" the legacy of love said.
"No." the legacy of night smirked.
"...Please?" Jada groaned, her cheeks having a light shade of blush, but since she couldn't see Asher's face so did he.
"Let's try to be normal for once." Asher shrugged, sitting up and hugging his girlfriend.
"Normal is not in our lives a lot." the legacy of the moon said dryly.
"Then let's try for it to be. Just once before the battle comes." Asher said. The two fell into a comfortable silence, and they did feel, for the briefest second, like a normal couple.
Not the legacy of several gods and goddesses and the first born of a maiden goddess.
Not the legacy of the primordial goddess of night and the son of the god of thieves.
Not a witch and a wizard.
Just normal.
That is today's chapter, I hope you have all enjoyed it!

Family of Fire
FanfictionThe Girl Who Lived left the Dursley's care when she was very young, into the family of fire. Now, under a new name, with knowledge of her true heritage, she will not be Dumbledore's pawn but be the fire that will change the Wizarding world... for be...