The feast

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Third Person POV

The Palace of Beauxbatons was a beautiful chateau surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains magically created out of the surrounding mountains, and stood for over seven hundred years. The school was located in the Pyrenees in the south of France.

To the legacy of love, it really was a beautiful building without being over gaudy.

Jada couldn't see the fountains her parents had made in the darkness but vowed to see it before she left for Christmas break.

"Allez Jada ! Rentrons à l'intérieur, les cochers emmèneront tout dans nos dortoirs." Fleur said, and began dragging her to the castle, and into the crowd of students.

Translation: Come on Jada! Let's go inside, the coachmen will take everything to our dormitories

"Ralentis Fleur! Je ne vais nulpart." Jada said, freeing her arm from Fleur's grip and noticing that Asher had vanished into the crowd of students.

Translation: Slow down Fleur! I'm not going anywhere.

Fleur nodded and the two girls entered the main castle. The legacy of wisdom was then in awe of the inside of the Palace of Beauxbatons.

Inside the Palace of Beauxbatons, it was even more beautiful. There were mosaics, talking portraits, and antique and beautiful statues. 

There was also several staircases-that never move according to Fleur-that lead to the library, dorm rooms, and class rooms along with balconies as well.

Everyone stopped at the great hall, where there was hundreds of small tables that could seat four. Fleur sat down at one, Jada as well, and Asher made joined them as well.

The doors of the great hall then entered the largest women Jada had ever seen, and all of the students minus the first years jumped up and didn't sit down until the women did.

"C'est Madam Maxime." Fleur explained "Elle est la directrice."

Translation: That's Madam Maxine. She is the headmistress.

Jada and Asher nodded and the child of fire studied her new headmistress.

Madam Maxine was a beautiful women with olive-skinned face with a beak-like nose and large, black, liquid-looking eyes. Her hair was drawn back in a shining knob at the base of her neck.

She wore a dark blue statin dress, large boot high heels, and sapphire jewelry.

Perenell, who had meet Madam Maxine, told Jada that the headmistress was a half giant. However, Jada refused to hate her new headmistress because Madam Maxine had risen to the level of Headmistress at Beauxbatons Academy, despite the prejudice surrounding Giants.

That was very impressive to the legacy of the moon.

Madam Maxine cleared her throat and began to speak. "Bonjour à tous! C'est merveilleux de vous revoir tous après l'été. Vous connaissez les règles mais je vais les répéter encore une fois. Un, pas de magie dans les couloirs après ou pendant les cours. Deux : pas d'intimidation, il y a des salles pour empêcher cela avec des salles anti-viol et anti-triche. Trois : personne n'est autorisé à se saboter, cela se terminerait par une suspension pour la première fois et une expulsion pour la suivante. Toutes les autres règles sont dans le guide des premières années, qui se trouve sur la table de chevet de votre dortoir. Le guide contient également une carte, une liste de traditions et d'autres faits importants ou amusants sur notre école. Le guide contient également votre emploi du temps, la liste des cours et des cours au choix. Le calendrier se met à jour au fur et à mesure que vous avancez dans vos années ici. Je vous souhaite à tous une bonne année scolaire, et que l'exploit commence!"

Translation: Hello everyone! It is wonderful to see you all again after summer. You know the rules but I will repeat them once again. One, no magic in the hallways after or during classes. Two: no bullying, there are wards to prevent that along with an anti rape and anti cheating wards. Three: no one is allowed to sabotage one another, that would end with suspension for the first time and expulsion for the next. All of the other rules are in the guide for the first years, which is on the nightstand in your dorm room for. The guide also has a map, list of tradiations, and other important or fun facts about our school. The guide also has your timetable, list of classes and electives. The timetable updates as you go up in your years here. I wish you all a happy school year, and let the feat begin!

Food appeared on the silver and metal plates and wood nymphs appeared and began singing as the students began to eat.

"J'aime notre directrice. C'est une excellente enseignante et leader." the legacy of night piped in after he swallowed his food.

Translation: I like our headmistress. She's a fine teacher and leader.

"Madame Maxine, à mon avis, est l'une des meilleures directrices du monde." Fleur said firmly.

Translation: Madam Maxine, in my opinion, is one of the best headmistresses in the world.

"Autre que Chiron. Il est le meilleur professeur, mais parfois légèrement biaisé." the legacy of magic added as she cut her steak.

Translation: Other then Chiron. He is the best teacher, but slightly biased sometimes.

The group of three began chatting about the school and other small things before the feast ended and the students left to their dorms.

House elves appeared and showed the first years to their dorm. Each year had a dorm area to theirselves, a main common room like area, and then separate dorms for girls and boys-boys couldn't enter girl dorms without permission and vice versa for girls.

"Ceci est incroyable! Beauxbâtons est vraiment l'une des meilleures écoles!" a boy said.

Translation: This is amazing! Beauxbatons is truly one of the best schools!

A house elf spoke. "Pour les nés mondains, il existe également un livre sur les traditions du monde magique. Nous vous suggérons également de faire un test d'héritage à Gringotts, vous êtes peut-être un descendant d'un calmar d'une famille magique."

Translation: For the mundane borns, there is also a book on the traditions of the magical world. We also suggest you do an inheritance test at Gringotts, you may be a descendant of a squib from a magical family.

The mundane borns nodded thoughtfully at that. To Jada it made sense, and she made a note to tell her parents about it.

The house elves left and the first years went to their dorms. Jada said goodnight to Asher and headed for her dorm room.

The dorm room was beautiful simple, and elegant. It had a canopy four poster queen sized bed, a nightstand, desk, lamp, and a balcony-the view was to die for-her trunks were placed at the end of her bed and her clothes were all ready tucked away in the closet.

There was also a vanity and full length mirror. Like Madam Maxine had said, there was a guide to the school on her nightstand.

The legacy of wine & madness familiars had already explored the room. Opal was asleep in a terrarium while Ember and Hedwig were waiting for her.

"You guys can go hunting." Jada smiled. Hedwig hooted and flew out the window as Jada closed the balcony doors, and closed the drapes of the balcony doors and closed the curtains on the windows.

Ember made trilling noise, nipped her mistresses ear and flew to a golden perch to fall asleep. There was a second perch for Hedwig.

Jada changed into her sleeping clothes and feel asleep with a smile on her face. She was looking forward to the next day.

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