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Third Person POV

As it was the night of the feast at Beauxbatons, Madam Maxine stood up to speak. A hush fell across the crowd of students, new and old.

"Tout le monde, j'ai une annonce. Nous irons à Poudlard cette année en octobre pour participer au tournoi des Trois Sorciers! Je vais bientôt lire les noms qui m'accompagnent. Si votre nom est lu, vous devez obtenir la permission de vos parents ou tuteurs légaux pour m'accompagner à Poudlard. Si vous obtenez la permission, je m'attends à ce que vous soyez sur votre meilleur comportement pour ne pas faire honte à notre école ou à la France!" Madam Maxine announced.

Translation: Everyone, I have an announcement. We will be going to Hogwarts this year in October to participate in the Triwizard tournament! I will be reading the names coming with me soon. If your name is read, them you must get permission from your parents or legal guardians to come with me to Hogwarts. If you do get permission, I expect you to be on your best behavior to not shame our school or France!

Whispers erupted all across the hall.

Jada's face must have fallen a bit because Asher leaned over to whisper, making the legacy of wine and madness shiver at A) him being so close and B) she had a crush on him.

"Tu vas bien? Vous semblez inquiet." Asher whispered, making Jada discreetly squirm as his warm breath ghosted over her skin.

Translation: Are you doing well? You seem worried

"Ne pensez-vous pas!? Poudlard est le territoire du Vieux Chèvre, et il veut déjà que je fréquente cette pauvre excuse d'une école." Jada hissed back.

Translation: Ne pensez-vous pas!? Poudlard est le territoire du Vieux Chèvre, et il veut déjà que je fréquente cette pauvre excuse d'une école.

"Hé, tout ira bien. Et d'ailleurs, tu ne veux pas au moins te faire des amis outre-Manche?" the legacy of night whispered back.

Translation: Hey you'll be fine. And besides, don't you want to at least make some friends across the Channel?

Before the legacy of wisdom could speak, Madam Maxine did.

"Les noms sont: Fleur Delacour, Jada Flamel, Asher White, Gabrielle Delacour, Finn Stone, Jackson Porter..." Jada tuned out the rest after her name and Asher's name was called.

Translation: The names are: Fleur Delacour, Jada Flamel, Asher White, Gabrielle Delacour, Finn Stone, Jackson Porter...

Madam Maxine, after reading the last name made one last announcement. "Pour les personnes que je viens de nommer, vous avez tous jusqu'à la fin de la semaine suivant la semaine prochaine pour faire signer votre autorisation. Votre permission sera sur la table de nuit de votre dortoir. Je vous accompagnerai tous puisque je suis l'un des juges. Notre administrateur général sera donc responsable pendant mon absence. Ne me déçois pas quand je reviens avec les autres de ce tirp. Maintenant, tout le monde, profitons de la fête!"

Translation: For the people I have just named, you all have until the end of the week after next week to get your permission for signed. Your permission for will be on the night stand in your dorm room. I will be chaperoning you all since I am one of the judges. So our deputy head will be in charge while I am away. Do not disappoint me when I come back with the others from this tirp. Now, everyone, let us enjoy the feast!

The child of fire dug into her food, chatting politely with a few of her classmates going to Hogwarts with her.

Soon the feast was over, and it was time to go to bed.


Jada got her permission for signed, and so did Asher an Fleur & Gabrielle. When the day arrived, she made sure to pack warm clothes(and a thick coat) for the cold Scotland weather, and they were off.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have all enjoyed it.

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