Chapter 5.

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"Are those things...snails?" I stare at a plate of tiny shells that the waiter placed in front of me.

"Yes, they are," Kai half laughs at the expression on my face.

"What do you do with them?"

"You eat them, fool," my friend proves himself to be much more daring than I.

In horror, I watch him pick the slimy creature out of the shell with his fork.

"Are you sure? Maybe we're supposed to have a snail race as an ice breaker," it's bewildering to think who would to make such a choice for the menu item.

"It's a delicacy," with all the grace in the world, Nina places a napkin on the lap of her dress.

Unlike our appetizers, she looks much more appealing. Her pride in her Domain continued to show in her choice of gown of blue velvet. Red roses embroidered the sheer long sleeves, Next to hers, our attire looks much less creative. In respect to tradition, the male cadets have to wear formal knight's uniform to a ball.

"But still, with all the money that the Academy gets from paying cadets' tuition, this is what they come up with?" still reluctant, I dare to poke at one.

The other tables are digging in, so I decide to give it a try. With anticipation, my friends watch me stick my fork inside the shell and I begin to try to pry it out. My snail makes an escape and somehow, I do manage to turn this into a snail race after all. With a shooting speed, the cooked goo makes a go for it. Nina turns out to be the finishing line.

"I'm so sorry," I'm horrified.

Even when dead, the slime ball has no shame and went right into her halter.

"It's alright, it was an accident," she giggles while trying to fish it out. I keep apologizing and pass my napkin for her to use. Along with her, Kai keeps on laughing.

The rest of the dinner goes by much smoother and as we are finishing our refreshing dessert, the cadets leave their dining spots with a selected partner from their table and begin to waltz.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Kai extends his hand to Nina.

"I would be delighted to," she pets her lips with a napkin and places hers into the palm of his black glove. Just like that, I'm left alone without a clue about what to do. I get up, but have no idea where I would even be going. A tap on a shoulder rescues me from my social awkwardness. I turn around and there she stands, smiling slyly.

"Your ribbon suits you, it even matches your eyes," this beautiful stranger actually complements me.

"Thanks," that's all my dumb ass thinks of to say, forgetting to return the favor.

"Dance with me?"

"I'm not much of a dancer," whatever self-esteem I had for this party withers in her magnificent presence.

"I won't judge, because neither am I," her head tilts slightly.

But, I have a hard time believing that. That confidence and that red dress was designed by the gods of dance. How can I refuse?

"Alright, let's dance," I smile.

Throughout the waltz, she follows my lead. Yet, I feel like I'm the one who would follow her anywhere and her green almond eyes would be my compass.

"What's your name, cadet?" her ruby lips command me to speak.

"Adrien Rivers. I'm selected to serve The Violet House, but you already noticed that."

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