Chapter 31

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There is nothing humble about this. As soon as I and the rest of the team are done helping the hospital staff unload the medical supplies into the brand-new medical clinic, the grand opening ceremony will begin. The Green Queen herself will be here to cut the ribbon and the entire people will fill these streets to watch.

On the balconies above, I can hear the event planners trying to figure out in which color order the confetti are supposed to be released. I enjoy a good show, but that's all it feels like - a show.

As much as I want to believe that this is done out of goodness and concern for the public, the high officials only agreed to do this out of self-interest. That day, in that court room, I had to face the reality and instead of appealing to their good nature, my argument had to appeal to their desire to keep positions.

Oh well, at least what need to be done is being done...right?

"This should be enough," a mortal man of medicine proudly looks around at the fully equipped rooms.

"Is it?" my mind is still somewhere else.

"Yes, at least for a while," his frown draws me out of the fog. He wants me to join in at his gushing and my subtle attitude is hindering the atmosphere he's trying to establish.

"Oh... yeah, of course, but a time will time when you'll need more. I just hope we can keep up with the demand of your orders."

"And I'm sure you will," he squeezes my tense shoulder. "You knights are always so serious. Relax. Try to enjoy this triumph," the happy doctor looks me in the eye.

Of course, he's happy and why shouldn't he be. This is indeed a victory, a much-needed relief that only he and the rest of the weary and frustrated staff can truly appreciate.

"We must hurry, young cadet. We must make sure that's everything is in order for Her Majesty's inspection. The Green Queen will be here soon to celebrate with us," nothing will hinder his mood and that helps me to finally smile.

My assignment has been long finished, but like some of my fellow classmates who helped out earlier with unloading I've decided to stay behind and watch the spectacle. It should be short, brief, and to the point so I have the time to spare. Besides, it's pretty nice to see so many people happy all at once.

The crowd cheers as The Green Queen's carriage pulls up to the front stairs of the new hospital. At the top of the platform, there are the Capital's officials waiting to receive her. With a perfectly still pose, one of them is holding a shallow rectangular box with what I presume to have the ceremonial scissors in it.

After she makes her exit, the carriage pulls away reviling the queen for the whole crowd's eyes to feast upon. From where I'm standing it's hard to make out any details about her other than she's wearing the royal traditional dress of green tone as dark as the winter's pine. A crown of towering diamonds rests heavily in the nest of her silver braids.

It gets even louder when she raises her hand and waves at them. Her empty palm feeds their hunger for her attention and her silent white smile speaks all the words they want to hear.

Feeding time is over and she turns her back to address the officials. With her Royal Guards left at the bottom stoop, alone she climbs up the stairs. Only the long train of her dress is allowed to follow her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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