🔞💰💵 Let It Rain: Part 2 💵💰🔞

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Based off of crispycandyyy's wonderful and amazing artwork! Thank you so much for letting me use it as my inspiration for this fic!

(As of now, this is the last one because it is the last of her artwork like this, but I may add more to it in the future!)


Part 2

2 years later...

Daylight broke on the far-off horizon when Sakura rose from a deep slumber; her arms lifting above her head as she stretched her lean body lazily in the soft glow of morning's first light. She turned to her right and smiled softly at the still sleeping figure beside her, his left hand still resting protectively (more like possessively) on her upper thigh while his right arm shielded his closed eyes from her slowly wandering gaze.

She watched for a few moments as his chest rose and fell before rising and exiting the warmth of his sheets... which has become far, far too familiar over the last few years than she would care to acknowledge. Sakura felt like she was in need of a good shower and some warm breakfast before the day could truly begin.

And what a day it would be.


"Sakura...," Sasuke growled, his left hand gripping the steering wheel tightly while the other held his phone up to his ear. "Where are you?" He heard shuffling and a low grunt before she responded, voice slightly out of breath.

"I'm... ugh... at the top of... K... I'm... to be... meet me at... you... target... grr... asshole..."

Bang. Thump. Crash. Then... silence.

"Sakura? Where are you? Sakura? DAMN IT!" Sasuke slammed his thumb on the red "end call" button before tossing his phone to the passenger seat. His foot may or may not have pressed a little harder on the gas and he may or may not have swerved in and out of traffic as he pressed several buttons into his car's built in gps.

'Thank god for tracking,' Sasuke mused before taking a sharp right when Sakura's phone signal flashed across the screen; nearly sideswiping a small SUV. The driver blared his horn, but Sasuke ignored him and continued to drive onto several more streets before he finally made it to his destination.

Without even shutting off the engine, Sasuke exited the vehicle at a quickened pace; heart pounding in his ears as he pushed himself further, faster, until—



Two very loud gunshots rang out, causing him to pause for only a second before rushing forward once again, drawing his own deadly weapon from the waistband of his pants in the process before thrusting it forward.

He took careful and measured steps, his eyes shifting this way and that while he scanned his surroundings closely. He could feel his throat tightening as the scent of blood penetrated his nostrils and he just prayed that it wasn't Sakura's.

A dull thump told him that the perpetrator... or possibly perpetrators... were in the room to his left and he gathered a large breath before stepping in front of the closed door. His foot lifted, then—


Wood splintered beneath his heel and the now broken door fell from its metal hinges in a crumpled heap. He took one step forward and there she was; fun drawn up and aimed at his chest, just as he taught her. Sasuke's eyes shifted down only for a second to look at the dead body on the ground at her feet before he placed his gun back in the holster at his hip.

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