🔞 Acts of Passion: Part 1 🔞

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Sakura Haruno has starred in over 30 different pornos to date (solely, of course) to help pay for her college tuition. But this time, things would be a little different... the stakes would be much higher and the pay, well worth it. But after she's had him once, will once ever be enough?

A sasusaku smut-filled one-shot. (They are around 23.)



There Sakura sat, in a maroon-colored, satin robe with her morning coffee in one hand, while the other one held onto the script for today's scene as her emerald irises scanned its contents thoroughly.

... two partners, a teacher and student scenario... with the woman lying on a desktop... blindfolded. The man will eat her—

Wait, what!?!

Her brows creased and her eyes scanned the paper once again before she looked up to meet the bored gaze of her agent. "This will be my first co-star scenario...," she asked with mild confusion. Tsunade only shrugged her shoulders.

"It was either this or a kidnapping... plus rape scene, Sak." Sakura's expression grew sour at the mention of the latter, and Tsunade's lips twitched at the corners. "I thought that you would feel that way. Besides, the director assured me the man he paired you with is an experienced one and will go really easy on you this time since it's your first time with someone else."

She still felt uneasy about the whole thing, but finally gave in with a sigh. She needed the money, desperately. Sakura just hoped that the director wasn't wrong. 'I... guess that is settled...,' she thought as she flipped the script over in her hands, eyes narrowing at the contents. 'But then, who will be my partner?' Viridescent eyes grew wide. 'Oh boy.'

30 minutes later...

"Miss Haruno, please try to relax." She could feel her heart pounding away in her ribcage, a rhythm of epic proportions and desperately tried to take several much needed (deep) breaths as she turned slightly toward the director's voice.

"I'm sorry," she said offhandedly as she licked her lips, her vision compromised by the black fabric against her lashes. She could hear the crew moving around her, preparing the right equipment and such needed to pull off this scene with perfect clarity. She hoped they got it right the first time and she wouldn't have to do this again.

She briefly wondered if her male co-star was here yet and rubbed her thighs together in anticipation. '...20 minutes to go,' she thought and her mind began to wonder as she felt her body relax (only slightly) at the prospect of what would be happening next.

Sasuke Uchiha.

A name in the porn industry for sure. He was known to be arrogant, (though handsome) and a damn son of a bitch to work with, but also a very fucking good actor. He starred in several of his own solo acts and if the pinkette was being completely honest with herself, she had been known to flirt with temptation as her muse when it came to "getting-off" for the cameras. She would almost always picture him in these scenarios; touching her... eating her... fucking her.

Now, she would get the opportunity to work with him and it sent a thrilling shiver down her spine. 'To bad I won't even be able to actually see him with this damn blindfold on. It's my cursed luck of course!'

"He's finally here. Okay! Places everyone!!!" The director's booming voice startled her from her thoughts, sending her heart skyward once again and her body began to shake as heavy footsteps approached her from across the stage.

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