🔞 Impulses 🔞

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"Come on, Sakura! Just one little picture— What could go wrong?" A lot apparently; a lot could go very, VERY wrong.

A sasusaku AU snippet. 18+ content due to strong language/theme & a small moment of masturbating. UNEDITED!


Saturday - 6:03pm

Sakura flopped onto her bed, her head falling onto her fluffy white pillow while her hair splayed across it in damp, limp strands. She sighs as she reaches for her cell phone lying next to her on the bedside table. After opening her text messages she begins to type, a small smile on her lips.

Want to hang out with me tonight, Ino-pig? I need one little 'last hoorah' before I start my new job on Monday.

She didn't have to wait long for a response.

Absolutely, bitch! Just tell me when and where and I'll be there, forehead. ;)

Her smile grows as she tosses the phone onto her bed beside her and rises to get ready.

Saturday - 11:32pm.

Both she and Ino were thoroughly and completely inebriated, of which the pinkette was certain. But at that moment, she really couldn't find the willpower or brain cells to give a fuck. She lifted a tiny glass (alongside her companion) and downed it swiftly... this one being Sakura's— wait, what number was it again?

She began to uncontrollably giggle and then choked on the next shot when her blonde bestie next to her unceremoniously fell from her bar stool from leaning back just a little bit too far...the woman's equilibrium being completely off kilter due to the blonde's highly intoxicated state.

The male bartender, who'd been graciously serving them all evening (and putting up with their antics) let out a heavy and disgruntled sigh, before shaking his head. "I think that it's about time for the both of you to leave. You're disrupting my other customers," he says while his thin lips twisted into a deep frown.

A swift glance around the bar indicated the truth behind his 'well-intended statement', and so Sakura began to clumsily remove herself from her barstool to try and assist her best friend in getting back onto her feet. Then finally after much finagling and heavy lifting on Sakura's part, they managed to somehow do just that; with Ino now resting her left arm across Sakura's shoulders.

"I—w-we're sorry," the pink-haired woman mumbled sheepishly as she unintentionally began to slur her speech before they started to make their way out of the rapidly crowding bar. The girls clumsily bumped into several of the patrons when they stumbled their way to the doors; one in particular caused Sakura to lose her grip on her friend, and they nearly crashed to the ground if it hadn't been for said man and his friend's swift actions in grabbing them both by the arms to halt their forward momentum.

She didn't even spare the men so much as a single glance but she did apologize as she tried to remove herself from his grasp. Her pale cheeks heated with growing embarrassment, but when she pried herself away from him enough to gain her unsteady footing once more, she reached for Ino and the pair made it the rest of the way to the exit...relatively unscathed. She had never been this drunk before and swore to herself that if she remembered this in the morning, she would never do it again.

Sunday - 12:57am.

"Fucking shit. My head hurts," Ino groaned as she flopped onto the pinkette's leather couch; tossing her plum-colored clutch to the side as she spread her legs out wide in front of her, seemingly uncaring (or possibly just unaware) of the unladylike position which caused her skirts to lift just high enough for the other woman to see her lacy panties. Sakura simply rolled her eyes as she took the seat opposite her, but when her purse hit the floor something slid out of it that caught her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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