Chapter 3

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                     Next morning, Selena woke up to notice the sun was shining through her window and she got out of bed to get ready for another exciting day. She walked towards her bookshelf to grab some books about her mom's childhood hometown and she sat down on her window seat. She began looking through her books to figure out what Christa meant by finding out more about her mom's past. She checked her phone to see a text from her best friend and she texted back to get back to reading her books. Marcella walks by her younger daughter's bedroom to notice her reading her books as she walks towards the kitchen to begin making lunch for her family. She notices Isadora and Rilynn walk into the kitchen to let them help her out with setting up trays for their family. Marcella walks out of the kitchen to let her two older daughters finish making lunch after she heard a knock on the front door. She walks towards the door to open it to show Maisie at the front door.

          "Hello Mrs. Davis, I'm here to hangout with Selena after asking my mom. She was okay with it and she sent you a text message about me coming to your house." Maisie said to Marcella,
Marcella brings Maisie inside as she grabs her phone from the side table next to her favorite chair. She quickly texted Maisie's mom as she let her younger daughter's friend to find her in her bedroom like always in the morning. Marcella returned to the kitchen to help finish making lunch for her family to spend time with her two older daughters. Maisie walked into Selena's bedroom and walked towards Selena. Selena looked up from reading her book and saw Maisie in front of her.

          "Hey Maisie, I'm glad that you are here. I was thinking about having you tell me about what Christa says about finding the truth about my mom's past by myself. This is actually perfect for us to start doing some research on Concord, New Hampshire before we leave for our trip." Selena said to Maisie,
Maisie sat down on one side of the window seat and she joined to look at the other books to get so much information about Selena's mom's childhood hometown. She never thought of going somewhere new from Florida after growing up in a small town near her family's work. She always heard about the small town in New Hampshire from her two sisters who were there for college.

          "Selena, I do remember the last time me and my family left Florida to visit my two eldest sisters at their college to be DeVry University in Chesapeake, Virginia. They showed me around the college campus to be truly breathtaking and large, including being so sad to never see them again. It was before I met you at your fifth birthday party to be where I was very close with my two eldest sisters. They graduated high school very early then unexpectedly for having very good grades in all their classes. I remember helping them out with their homework in knowing some of the hard math from spending time in reading math books. My mom says that she has some connections with the genius woman who helped NASA with her math knowledge in doing math for launches. She says that I might have a bright future in doing math for future launches like Katherine Johnson, but she did let me decide what I want to do for my own future. I gave up on being such a math nerd to switch to being more interested in NASA history. It reminds me of how much it hurts to be so alone without them being so far away. I began reading books about different events in NASA history as I began to heal from my sorrow. It seems like my parents were putting new books in my bookshelf on holidays and my birthdays. My mom told me that I was invited to a girl's nine birthday party and I decided to pick one of my favorite books to be her birthday present. I remember being so shy at the birthday party to hide behind the large couch from everyone to keep the birthday present safe. Then I noticed a young girl who was wearing a navy blue dress walking towards me to check if I was alright. I never thought it was you who was the one who was wearing the most beautiful dress. You will bring me to your dad's office to feel more comfortable with being so shy and we begin talking about our lives with older siblings. I explain how my two older siblings left home for college to be an only child in my family. It might be the moment where we finally became the bestest of friends after I give you your birthday present as a thanks for being such a passionate friend. I remember writing such a long letter to my two eldest sisters about my time at your fifth birthday party and how we became best friends. I tried my hardest to make my handwritten readable and they replied back after sending my letter to them. It continued ever since to stay connected with them in being the best thing in my life. For now, I should probably mention that my two eldest sisters are planning to take some of their summer vacation to come to Concord to spend time with me and they are still planning on it as I heard from their last letter. It's been a few years since I last saw them to be such a small child and now I'm getting so close to becoming a teenager. It would be such a great time for your mom to meet them working hard to get their teaching degrees to become teachers. They were very much inspired by Christa McAuliffe to become teachers to teach the next generation of young children." Maisie explained to Selena,
Selena listens to her friend speaking about her two eldest sisters who were in college. She remembers how Maisie spoke so fondly of them ever since they first met at her nine birthday to try to make her new friend feel comfortable at her house. She always gives her best support for her friend to help her with her handwritten to write for her two eldest sisters. She never thought of finding such a best friend as she would be supportive to make a happy girl again. Now Selena sees Maisie to feel so much joy in her heart to be reunited with her two eldest sisters. She looks at her best friend as she grabs her laptop to do some more research on her mom's childhood hometown.

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