Chapter 6

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                     Three months later, Selena and Maisie were so excited about their last year of middle school by working hard and getting good grades in every one of their classes. They were the very best students in their history class and science class for being the biggest space nerds. Selena and Maisie enjoy taking private lessons about NASA history in both history and science classes. They were most well known young girls in their middle school that the popular group thinks two girls were the weirdest girls in their school. Soon Selena and Maisie found out their history class was going to Flagstaff, Arizona to visit Lowell Observatory and Museum of Northern Arizona for a fun field trip the second week before thanksgiving in November.




                     One afternoon, Selena and Maisie were in Selena's bedroom while doing some homework on their laptops on two huge beanbags. Maisie looks at Selena after finishing her homework for tomorrow's class.

          "Selena, I was thinking that you should ask Leonard to invite his girlfriend Aislinn to come with us to Arizona. I have been doing some research on Flagstaff, Arizona and I found out that Pluto was founded at Lowell Observatory for being a very well known thing. Some of the locals still believed that Pluto is always a planet. I got an email from our history teacher with lists to do in Northern Arizona. It's going to be a fun field trip to see the grand beauty of Arizona." Maisie said to Selena,
Selena was looking at their history teacher's email and reading the lists of things to do in Arizona for their fun field trip. Selena looks at Maisie while she does some research on the different places in Northern Arizona on her laptop.

          "I know that Leonard would be alright with having Aislinn to come join us for our history class field trip. I know that our history teacher would be happy to have an Arizona local to show us around different places in Flagstaff. We could go visit Aislinn's house and her house is in the same street and we could go to her house." Selena said to Maisie,
Selena and Maisie put their laptops away in her backpacks after looking at their history teacher's email. Selena grabbed her small backpack off her bed and walked out of her bedroom into the hallway. Selena and Maisie walked into the living room where both Selena's parents were talking about something. Marcella looks up at Selena and Maisie after talking with her husband.

          "Selena, me and your dad were talking about your field trip in agreeing to having Aislinn come with you two. Leonard has agreed with having Aislinn to go back to Arizona to help out with the field trip. Leonard would take you, Maisie, and Aislinn to the airport here in Cocoa, Florida. We pay three airplane tickets for letting you three to go to Arizona a week earlier before your history class gets there. You guys will leave by the end of this week and your history teacher Mrs. Soraya was alright with you two going early to Arizona before the field trip. She has heard about Aislinn being from Arizona and has connections to some of the places. For now I would let you two get started packing your suitcases for the Arizona trip." Marcella said to Selena and Maisie,
Selena and Marcella walked back to Selena's bedroom where she grabbed her suitcase out of her closet. Selena started packing her suitcase while Aislinn walked into her bedroom. Maisie was bringing clothes from the closest to help Selene pack her suitcase. Selena looked at Aislinn while she was packing her clothes in her suitcase.

          "Aislinn, I'm so glad to see you here. I want to let you talk about Arizona to know a little more about it from a local. I heard from Leonard that you were from Flagstaff, Arizona who has had family work at Lowell Observatory for many years." Selena said to Aislinn,
Aislinn grabbed her phone and got to the photo app and got to the pictures on her phone. She shows Selena the pictures of her family when they were at one of the membership events at Lowell Observatory.

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