Chapter 7

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                     Three weeks later, Selena, Maisie, and Aislinn were back in Florida in time for Thanksgiving. Aislinn was invited for a huge Thanksgiving lunch on Thanksgiving with Selena and Maisie's families. Selena and her siblings were getting their house ready for Thanksgiving during their Thanksgiving weekend. Selena went back to her bedroom after cleaning up the living room and dinner room with her siblings. Selena grabbed her diary from a secret spot inside her desk and sat down on her window seat. Selena opened a new page in her diary and started writing on the page in her diary.




'Dear diary,

                   It's been three weeks since I last wrote in my diary after being gone for two weeks in Arizona. I have so much to write about my trip to Arizona and I don't really know how to explain it. I had the most fun in Arizona while getting to know Aislinn. It was an amazing time visiting so many places while learning about Arizona. You didn't there's different kinds of places in Arizona like forests and deserts. Northern Arizona is where most of the forests are. I should stop writing to get ready for bed for a big fun day tomorrow. Me and my family would be going to travel to Clearwater, Florida to visit my dad's sister and her family. My dad's sister moved to Clearwater, Florida to work at Clearwater Aquarium after finishing up college for helping marine animals. I will tell you more about it later.





Selena closed her diary and got up from her window seat. She put her diary back in the secret spot in her desk. She walked into her closet and she grabbed some clothes to put in her for the small trip to Clearwater. Isadora walked into Selena's room while holding a letter in her hands.

          "Selena, I'm so glad that you are packing for the small trip to Clearwater to visit our dad's sister and her family. I got this letter from the mail and it's for you from our aunt. Remember that we have to go to bed early to leave early to begin our travel trip to Clearwater." Isadora said to Selena,
Isadora put down the letter next to Selena's suitcase on Selena's bed and she walked back into the hallway. Selena grabbed the letter and opened it. She read the letter quietly while she was sitting on her bed.




'Dear Selena,

                      I'm so excited about seeing you once again after five years of the family reunion when you were 9 years old. I know it's been a long time since I last saw you and your family. I know that my dear brother Kayden has been busy with his true dream job at Kennedy Space Center. I'm glad to work at my dream job at Clearwater Aquarium in helping Winter the Dolphin. I'm writing this letter to tell you about getting you and your family to have a VIP tour to personally meet Winter the Dolphin and other dolphins. I'm more excited spending time with you once again for being my favorite niece. I'm planning to come for thanksgiving and I want to bring my family to visit Kennedy Space Center during thanksgiving week. I'm planning to have aunt and niece time at Clearwater Aquarium while your family goes to the beach. I want to wish you luck with getting to your dream to work at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

From Aunt Sarafina.'




Selena put the other in a small box with other letters and returned to finishing packing her suitcase. She finished packing her suitcase and put it down on the floor next to her bed. She got ready for bed and she got into her bed. She falls asleep with the stars shining in the night sky. Selena was back in the Space Shuttle Atlantis building with her four friends. Selena hugged her four friends and they saw Christa walking out of the Forever Remembered Memorial.

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