Chapter 5

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                     Later that day, Selena was back in the guest bedroom packing her space theme traveling suitcase for the travel day to get back to Florida. She was sad that the trip was ending with knowing that she was bringing so many new treasure memories back home. Lillian walked into the guest bedroom holding a small jewelry box in her hands.

          "Selena, here's something to bring home to remind you of Concord, New Hampshire. It used to be mine before I gave it to Marcella on her 15th birthday. Marcella used to bring it to her first year of high school and show it to Christa McAuliffe. Christa used to put notes and little sweets inside of the jewelry box for Marcella. Soon she stopped bringing it to school after that tragic day. She was more focused on helping Daniella. She was really hurting badly like Daniella. But she kept it hidden very well from everyone, only Daniella and her family knew about it. Marcella did work hard to finish her first year of high school. She sometimes spends time in her bedroom during the summer and I bring some treats to cheer her up. Soon me and Marcella started making baked goods in the kitchen. That's where she gained baking skills after spending time with me in the kitchen. For now I was thinking about having some time together today with going to McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. I want you to meet a special guest for the McAuliffe Space Teacher event today. She is going to speak today at the McAuliffe Space Teacher event and share some of her memories with Christa McAuliffe. I want you to spend time at McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center while I'm at work today." Lillian said to Selena,
Lillian put down the small jewelry box on the bedside table and sat down on another bed. Selena grabbed the small jewelry box after closing her suitcase. She opened the small jewelry box and she saw all the notes, three pictures, and some handmade jewelry inside the small jewelry box. She grabbed one of the notes out of the jewelry box and read it quietly.





always remember that you could change the world with finding who you want to be in your future. You are welcome to ask me to help you find what you need to get your future.

-Christa McAuliffe.'




Selena never really thought of seeing Christa's handwriting in one of the many notes inside the jewelry box. She looked through the other notes while being very careful with seeing how Christa wants to share her piece of wisdom with her mom. She looked at her aunt as she closed the jewelry box to put them into her space theme traveling suitcase.

          "Thank you Lillian for giving me my mom's jewelry box with so much wisdom from Christa McAuliffe that helped my mom. I never knew that my mom had kept notes from Christa McAuliffe from her first year of high school. It's crazy that I learned about knowing more about my mom and Christa McAuliffe. I felt closer to my mom than anytime in my life. I knew that I could remember this trip to be very special to bring back home." Selena said to Lillian,
Lillian looked at Selena after looking at the notes from Christa McAuliffe and putting the notes in the small jewelry box.

          "I should let you get ready for today. You could meet me at the kitchen after you get ready. Always remember that you are a unique girl who has a great mind and heart to know so much about NASA history." Lillian said to Selena,
Lillian got up from the bed and walked out of the guest bedroom into the hallway. Selena closed the small jewelry box and put it down on the bedside table. She got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. She gets ready for a fun day at McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. Selena walked out of the guest room into the hallway and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, where Lillian and Marcella were talking about something. Marcella looked at Selena after talking with Lillian.

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