Chapter 9

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                     Three months later, Selena was ready to graduate from middle school after finishing all of her schoolwork from her classes. She was so excited about beginning a new chapter of her life in starting high school next school year. She was very excited about going to the space camp after her middle school graduation. She knew that her family and friends were proud of her for working so hard to graduate and be ready to go on to the next chapter of her life. She has learned so much about herself from her experiences and knowing about NASA history in her dreams. She was going to find more about herself when she gets into high school to go through different challenges and experiences. Selena never knew that she was going to change after growing up reading books and visiting Kennedy Space Center. Now she knows how life is going to be hard and challenging after seeing different events in her dreams. She continues keeping it secret from her family, until she finds out that her mom has the same dreams. She was picked by Christa McAuliffe who guided her mom when she was her age after what happened to the Challenger. She was going to follow her own path and find her own future like her parents.




                     Later that late afternoon, Selena was getting ready for her middle school graduation for the students who are graduating early. Her family was in the living room while other people came far away for Selena's graduation. Selena was looking at the mirror while she was wearing her navy blue dress and her mom's apple locket necklace. She grabbed her graduation cap off her bed and put it on her head, until her mom walked into her room. Marcella walked towards her daughter and she looked at her with tears in her eyes.

          "Selena, I'm so proud of you for graduating early tonight. I know that I remember my graduation for being very special and I still hold my dream of becoming a teacher. Now I should bring you to the living room with a little surprise waiting for you." Marcella said to Selena,
Selena followed her mom out of her room into the hallway and walked into the living room. She looked up and saw Lillian sitting on the couch. She ran towards her aunt and hugged her. She shows a joyful smile on her face for being happy to see her aunt once again. Marcella stays next to her husband and her other children.

          "Aunt Lillian, I missed you so much after sending my last letter to you last month. I'm so glad that you are here for my graduation." Selena said to Lillian,
Lillian looked at Selena with a happy smile on her face while Selena noticed her Aunt Sarafina and her friends with their families.

          "I'm so happy to see everyone on this amazing day." Selena said to everyone,
Selena, her family, her friend, and their families got out of the house where a long limo was waiting for them. They got into the long limo and they started talking about the graduation while the driver drove down the street. Selena enjoys making memories with her friends and family. She was so happy to have her friends and their families join in to make treasured memories. She looked at the long limo window and saw Christa waves in the clouds. She gave a smile on her face knowing that she was very proud of her. Then soon Christa disappeared into the clouds and the same star started shining in the evening sky.




                     Later that evening, Selena was with Maisie and a few students were backstage waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin. Their friends and their families were sitting in their seats inside the theater. Principal walked up from the left side of the stage while the graduation music was playing and looked at everyone after the music stopped.

          "Hello everyone, I want to thank the students who are graduating tonight. They have worked so hard to get good grades and they never knew that they would end their chapter to begin a new chapter. Now I want to let a hard working student come up to say some words. Everyone gives a big clap for Selena Davis." Principal said to everyone,
Selena walked up on the stage while her family, friends, and their families cheered for her. She thanked the principal and the principal sat down on her seat next to the teachers. Selena looks at everyone with a smile on her face.

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