Chapter 4

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The second exam will be cooking, the examiners introduced themselves as Menchi and Buhara, they are gourmet hunters. We were told to cook pork so we go on to the Visca forest to look for the pig, I finally found one but it seems to keep blocking my attacks with its large nose. I heard gon shouted saying that the pigs' weakness is their foreheads so I hit it right on the spot. I also pick some cherries, and other fruits, vegetables, or even herbs that I think I can use.

Short time skip brought to you by NotShorterThanFeitan.

I was able to pass the second test but it seems like all of them failed it, just as everyone's losing their patience about to make a ruckus. A weird old man fell from the sky and introduced himself as chairman netero, he told us that there will be another test as to not anger others. The second exam took place in the split mountain and the exam this time is to hunt spider eagle eggs. At the end of this phase, only 42 applicants are left.

We rode the chairman's airship and went on to the 3rd phase of the exam which took place in the trick tower. we are informed that the objective of stage 3 is to get down from the tower alive within 72 hours. I looked at my surroundings and notice that the number of people decreased, it seems like they were able to find a door. Gon called for us and told us that he and killua found 5 doors and point to their location. all of us stood an inch away from the doors and bid our goodbyes with each other. All of us jump at the same time only to find out that the 5 of us are led in the same room. 

"It seems like we bid our goodbyes for nothing," says gon

"yeah," killua commented, and everyone nod.

We found a bracelet with an "x" and "o" buttons on it then the tv opened revealing a man introducing himself as the examiner of this phase. We voted for the door to open and proceed to the next part,  we again voted to go to the right door. We are greeted by 5 prisoners, this time's round is to fight the other side one on one. We didn't really have to fight them physically it can be done in anything, then a man walks forward to the battleground who seems to be a former soldier introduced himself as bendot. his choice is a battle to death. I walk forward to the battleground and everyone tried to stop me but it's too late.

"then whoever dies loses," I said.

the man just smirk and took a fighting stance, he's mocking me.

"you're just a lowly scum," I said silently but he still heard it. he angrily attacked me and I dodge.

My friends look at me worried but I just smiled at them. we have to finish this first or else.

"for a kid, you have a foul mouth," he said.

"tch just a waste of time," I replied and with a blink of an eye, I'm already in front of him. I landed a kick on his shoulder that made him fall to his knees. I stepped on his face and look at him eye to eye with bloodlust leaking, he was shocked at first and that shock became fear. he couldn't move an inch. 

"Such a shame, I wanted to torture you more but time is running," I said with a grin then I cut his head open. everything happened fast and there was only silence. Blood splattered on the ground and on my hand. 

"yikes, gross," I said as I wiped the blood in my hand to my skirt. I looked at the other side and smirked.

"y'all wanna play with me?" I said with a creepy smile on my face.

they looked away from me making sure not to make eye contact.

"tch, you guys are no fun," I said and went to where my buddies are. I smiled at them and they smiled back at me but I can see fear, shock, and awe written all over their face except killua.

"ne, how did you do that?" says kurapika.

"do what?" I asked with a confused look.

"Just who are you?" asked leorio.

"Aileen, Aileen Portor," I said in my monotone voice.

"Not that, you're clearly younger than me but you killed a guy bigger than you in an instant" he added.

"She's an assassin," says killua

Everyone looked at me dumbfounded.

"former" I replied.

"aren't you also an assassin," I said as I looked at him. 

"Tch kids this day sure are fearless and scary," says leorio.

The next fight was gon and he won well it's not really a fight just bets. next is leorio, every one of us tch from what happened, he fucking lost to some chick or you can say he got tricked. The next fight is kurapika, they decided to have a battle everything's going smoothly until the big guy revealed a tattoo. Kurapika went silent for a while but his aura changed he explained that the guy is a fake member, that the spiders do not count the number of people they killed, that they have numbers on their tattoos which clearly the guy's tattoo no number in it. looks like he got some history with these phantom troupe members he knocked his opponent unconscious but since their fight is a death battle or unless the opponent surrenders but since his opponent unconscious he lost the will to fight and just stopped there. and the next battle is killua's, his opponent seems to be a famous one but he killed him instantly. Others were again dumbfounded and shocked except for me and gon.

"ah, he's from a family of assassins, the zoldyck family" gon said

"eh, no wonder" I replied

killua went back to us and we just greeted him and he just nodded his head.

"you did great," I said

"you too" he replied.

"tsk two kids are assassins and one's a kurta member," says leorio.

we are led into a room and spends the time we lost during the fight there. I just read my favorite Trevor browns book, killua, and gon played around while leorio also read med books with me and kurapika just slept.

We also told stories about ourselves, kurapika explained that his clan was massacred by the phantom troupe so he decided to become a bounty hunter and avenge his brethren, leorio also told us his story about how his friend died from a treatable illness but because they cannot afford it his friend died. Gon wanted to look for his dad who seems to be a hunter, and killua just took the exam because he got nothing to do. As for me, I didn't really told them everything but I told them that I'm looking for my biological parents, that I'm from meteor city and I only have this locket as a clue. I also told them that I was a slave to some family of assassins but I attained my freedom. they were shocked to know that I was a former slave but they didn't mind it.

The time is up and made our way to where everyone is.


Sorry if there are grammatical errors or misspellings this is my first time writing one so bear with me, this story gets better in the next chapters.

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