Chapter 7: Our meeting

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Aileen's POV

We're on our way to Kukuroo mountain, it's where the Zoldyck family lives. We are currently waiting for the bus when I heard my phone vibrate. I look and saw Hisoka messaged me, he asks to meet me in heaven's arena in 3 days. I'm about to shut my phone until I saw his next message.

"I have information about your parent's Aileen-chan," he said. it would take about one and a half-day to get there so I turned to look at the other 3 and told them that something came up and I've got news about my parent's so I won't be able to go with them this time. But I told them to get killua back and they promise me they would so I left them and went on my way to Heaven's Arena.

Hisoka POV

I got a text from danchou and told me that feitan and his group are currently on their way to heaven's arena, it seems like their goal is to steal someone else's book and a limited edition at that. I messaged Aileen-chan to meet me in 3 days, guess I gotta help her since she took care of me well last time. Then aileen's sadistic face as she looks down on me flash my mind and thought "like father like daughter I guess".

Aileen POV

It's been two days since I got here, I booked a hotel room owned by the Nostrades family. I message Hisoka about the time tomorrow. It seems like gon and the others are training by lifting weights to open a certain door. I don't really get it but I'll ask them next time we meet. Since I still have a day before I meet with hiso-chan I guess I take a stroll around the city, I also heard that there is a limited edition of Trevor Brown's book in an auction to be held tonight I wonder if should I steal it.

Phantom troupe POV

"to think that we traveled far just for a book," says Nobunaga.

"It's the boss order Nobunaga" franklin replied

"I also have some business here so I don't mind," says feitan

"what business?" asked Nobunaga

"Trevor brown's book" feitan replied.

"What time is the auction starting?" asked Nobunaga.

"8:00 pm" feitan replied. 

"let's book a hotel first I know a good one, it's owned by the Nostrade family I think," says franklin

"suit yourself" Nobunaga replied.

Aileen POV

As I was walking out of the hotel I saw 3 weird people going inside. They're strong I should stay away from them. One looks like a samurai and the other one is big then.. a kid? I can't see anything because he's wearing a bandana but he looks familiar. I continued my way and decided to buy new dresses that I'll be wearing at the auction tonight.

Time skip

After I shop I went back to the hotel first and showered. I'm wearing a simple black dress, make-up and didn't bother tying my hair up so I just let it down.

 I'm wearing a simple black dress, make-up and didn't bother tying my hair up so I just let it down

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Authors note: Picture not mine and she's not wearing her locket that time btw.

I'm on my way to the auction and noticed the 3 guys I saw earlier wearing a suit. I looked at my watch and there's still an hour before the auction start. 

I'm already seated waiting for the auction to start and as if my guts telling me that something dangerous is about to happen I changed my plan. I stealthily went backstage and killed the guy who's guarding the treasures. I hurriedly looked for the Trevor brown book until I heard gunshots and people screaming. It's a good thing I found the book so made my way towards the exit but I heard a voice.

"what the, someone's here already," says Nobunaga.

the little guy look at me then darted towards the book in my hand, and he frowned.

"tch, that's mine," he says, then suddenly in a second he attacked me but I dodge him, his eyes widen for a bit then tried attacking me again then I dodge it all. His friend looks at me bewildered.

"wow, to think someone can dodge feitan's attack not just once or twice," says Nobunaga.

"shut up," says feitan.

"This guy is as fast as me but his moves are a little rusty." I thought to myself.

"oi, who are you?" asked feitan. 

I didn't answer his question which made him annoyed, as he's about to attack me again one of his friends stopped him and suggested to bring me back with them. I'm clearly faster than the other two but this midget is bad news, I've never met anyone caught up to my speed. If there's only one chance to get this brat distracted. The brat tied my hand to my back and threw me to the big guy. then they took the book in my hand and another book from the treasures.

"boss, we got the book," says Nobunaga on the phone.

"and oh yeah boss we found someone interesting, she dodges feitan's attacks and could catch up to his speed," he added as he looks at me.

"the boss told us to bring this kid with us," says Nobunaga to the other 2.

Then we went our way to the hotel and brought me to their rooms. there are about 3 rooms in total.

"put that kid to the other room and let Nobunaga take care of her," says franklin

"WHY ME?!" says Nobunaga angrily.

"your the one who brought her here, I suggested killing but you said no" feitan replied

Nobunaga couldn't refute their words so he just agreed. then feitan looks at me for the last time before going to his room.

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