𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒

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After Lauren had spilt her wine over the dark haired boy, she quickly looked up and saw it was Mason.

"Mason, I'm so sorry" She was at the point where her words were all slurring together.

"It's okay, how much have you had to drink Lauren?" Mason leaned in and spoke into the girls ear so she could hear him over the music.

His cold breath tickled the girls ear, she looked up at him, Lauren couldn't help but observe the boy in front of her, "Not much", she grinned.

"I know for a fact that's not true" Mason smiled and ran his hand through his hair

"You hair looks sexy when it's messy" The girl winked at him and stumbled out of the room

Mason stood there confused, even though she was very drunk the girl was still flirting with him, he couldn't help himself and went to find her. Before he had chance to leave the room, a hand wrapped itself around his wrist. A young blonde girl, wearing a black two piece was stood with her hand round Masons wrist,

"You must be Mase" she said raising her eyebrow
"Yeah that's me" he squirmed his wrist out of her embrace, despite having a conversation with this mystery girl he couldn't stop himself from looking round the room to find Lauren.  The two had been talking for a bit and the party was clearly dying, it was about 2 in the morning and people were leaving as it was getting late and people were getting tired. It was just Mason, mystery girl, Ben, Lauren and a few others left now, Ben had begun clearing up, whilst Mason and his new acquaintance Chloe had made their way to the living room sofa with Jack whilst they were all getting to know each other.

While all this was going on, Lauren and Mia was upstairs freshening up, Lauren had sobered up a little and with the help of Mia her makeup looked fresh as well. The two went back down stairs to join the group,

"I'll come to you in a second I'm just going to find Brad" she patted Lauren on the back and headed into the kitchen. As Lauren headed into the living room, she spotted three heads sat on the sofa, Jack, Mason and her cousin Chloe, she was very confused to why Chloe was sat with the boys, but even more confused as to why she was sat so close to Mason, she had her arm round him and had put one of her legs on top of his. A sudden wave of jealousy washed over Lauren. She very clearly liked Mason and she thought he liked her too, maybe she was wrong.

She walked over and sat on Jack's lap, knowing it would annoy Mason, nothing would ever happen between her and jack, but Mason didn't know that, and by the expression on his face, it was definitely making him jealous. The four of them engaged in conversation, until Chloe decided she ought to go home. After she left it was just Lauren, Jack and Mason left. Lauren, still sitting on Jack's lap, whispered something in his ear and made the boy laugh,

"I'm gonna head of now, it's getting late" he lifted the girl of his lap and kissed her on the cheek, " Night Loz, night Mase" and with those goodbyes he left the two by themselves sat opposite each other on the sofa. You could could the tension with a knife, neither of them were talking, just simply staring at each other. Ben came in the room, breaking the silence,

"I'm heading up to bed now, Brad and Mia have also gone up, I'll see you pair in the morning" Ben have Lauren a quick kiss on the head and left the room. And the two were left in silence again.

"You looked like you had fun with jack" Mason sarcastically muttered,

"And you looked like you had fun with Chloe" Lauren scoffed as she got up and walked closer to Mason. He looked the shorter blonde girl up and down.

"What are you trying to do to me Miss Chilwell" he leaned back on the sofa, Lauren leaned closer to his face, as she did so Mason began to press his fingers in the holes in her dress, outlining the shapes against her bare skin. Lauren felt butterfly's in her stomach, there was something about this boy she couldn't resist. She straddled on top of his lap and lifted his chin up, pulling his face closer to hers,

"I'm trying to get you into trouble" she winked at the boy, Mason could taste the remains of the liquor on her breath. It wasn't usual that her saw the girl like this, usually she wasn't as forward as she was being, a new wave of confidence had come over her. She new she wanted Mason and this was her chance to get him. She leaned in and softly kissed the boys lips, he didn't pull away, so this meant that he felt the same, the kiss became more passionate, the pair of lips moving in sync, like it was meant to be. With one hand Mason had cupped her chin, and with the other he was slowly running it up and down her back. Lauren felt the butterfly's growing inside of her stomach, after weeks of waiting she had finally gotten the kiss, she placed both her hands against his firm chest, outlining his abs every so often. After a couple of minutes Lauren pulled away, they both sat in silence for a second before Lauren climbed of his lap, walking out of the room and upstairs.

Mason stayed sat on the sofa, in complete shock of what just happened. He'd liked Lauren since the first time they met, she was so different compared to the others. He knew he wanted her and only her, but he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for kissing his best friends sister. Before he could think in to it anymore his phone buzzed.

Lauren☺️ sent you a message

He quickly opened the message and smirked to himself.

You keeping me company tonight? 😉

He felt all the guilt leave his body after reading the message, at this moment in time, he didn't care who Lauren was related to, he just knew he needed her. And only her.

He pushed himself off the sofa and walked up stairs, without even knocking he let himself into Lauren's room. When he opened the door he was greeted by a familiar pair of lips, he quickly shut the door behind him and picked Lauren up.

I could get used to this he thought.

𝓉𝑜𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝒾𝓉𝓈Where stories live. Discover now