Chapter 1

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~I do not own Harry Potter characters or setting; rights go to J.K. Rowling and the franchise. I do not own components of Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled, Brave, or any other movie I might use. This is done solely for entertainment. :)


"Oh come on, that's not true!" I scoff at Hiccup.

"Yes it is!" He insists, tapping a small drawing in his notebook. "Are you the one who lives on an island full of dragons?"

"There is no such thing as a dragon that uses bones as armor!" I roll my eyes. Hiccup and I tend to have arguments like these during our free time in the Hogwarts courtyard. Ever since we defeated Cribrune weeks before, that has been a lot.

"That's what I thought at first! But then--"

"You guys!" Our friend Merida interrupts, "I thought Hiccup was supposed to be helping me with my Herbology homework!" She flops down flat onto the stone wall she's sitting on and sighs.

"Maybe if you actually paid attention, you'd understand it." Elsa, who is polishing her white wand, raises an eyebrow.

"Well maybe if it wasn't so boring, I'd pay attention," she snapped back.

"You two calm down. And stay still, will you?" Rapunzel scolds from her place on the grass, surrounded by golden hair and painting away on an art pad.

"Merida." Hiccup tucks his notebook into his vest. "Making me do your homework isn't the same as helping."

While they're arguing, I see a ton of students rushing over to the arched windows of the outdoor corridors. I stand up to join them without even telling the others.

I find some fellow Gryffindors in the crowd, who are staring and pointing at the sky.

"What's going on?" I ask Astrid.

"I've heard about this before; it's Beauxbatons Academy carriage!" She replies excitedly. I look up in the sky to see an enormous sparkling carriage, being whipped through the air by a line of white winged horses. Suddenly, Astrid points to the Black Lake, where I make out a tall wooden ship mast floating up from the waters. And soon it rises, spraying water droplets everywhere until there is a giant pirate-type ship floating there, sails and everything. I stand there baffled.

"Will I ever get used to this place?" I mutter.

* * *

Pretty soon Rapunzel, Hiccup, Merida, Elsa, and I are through the doors and going to our separate House tables. I take a spot next to a blond seventh year I've been seeing around a lot ever since I started at the beginning of the semester; I can't remember his name. While I bounce my leg impatiently, waiting for Headmistress McGonagall, I suddenly realize that I don't actually have any friends outside of the Big Five. So, I decide I might as well make some.

"Hey." I turn to the short, pudgy kid. "I'm Jack. I've seen you around." Before I say anything else, a girl next to me, Susan, taps me on the shoulder.

"That's Sandy. He can't speak. I'd stay away from him if I were you; he's weird." Taking a second to think about this, I look at Sandy. He wears a friendly smile, but his eyes seem to hold more wisdom, like this student knows a whole lot more than he lets on. I decide right then and there that I like him, and hold out a hand for him to shake. He pulls out a short sandalwood wand and spells out the name Sandy in the air."Jack. Nice to meet you." I grin, ignoring Susan's rolling eyes.

"Students, settle down!" McGonagall's shrill voice demands attention up at the Staff Table. "Not only do we have some special guests, but we also have a very,"--she looks to the side, uncertain--"special announcement." The old woman seems sort of worried about something.

Then, in bustles a cluster of important-looking witches and wizards, all wearing stuffy robes and hats. Leading them is a large man with a gray mustache and a shorter brunette woman. The whole posse joins McGonagall at the front.

"The Minister of Magic, Minister Corona, and his wife, everyone," she introduces. I've never even seen the Minister and his wife, but I still feel like the intelligent-looking lady has a familiar face.

The man faces the tables and smiles.

"Students of Hogwarts," he begins. "You all remember the Triwizard Tournament of several years ago. No need to remind anyone how badly that ended, despite our restraints."

"That's an understatement!" I hear someone scream, but no one dares respond.

"Yes," the Minister sighs. "Well, the Ministry is planning on bringing the competition back."

A lot of students don't like that.

They yell in protest, while others grin in excitement. The Minister works to calm everyone down, while Mrs. Corona rests a hand reassuringly on her husband's shoulder. "That's why we came to personally announce it. I understand that Hogwarts alone suffered a loss of the tournament. However, the Ministry has taken extra precautions to ensure there will be no serious danger. After all, everything should go much smoother now that Lord Voldemort has been defeated." Everyone hushes down at the name. "Wizards from all over Europe should have a chance to commune and participate in this event of three trials." When he stops, two teachers carry down the steps a tall layered box covered in gold. With a flick of the Minister's wand, the box slowly lowers to reveal a tall cracked goblet with blue flames shooting out of it. He steps out of the way for McGonagall to speak next.

"To enter the contest," she yells, "you must be of 17 years or older. Simply write your name on a slip of paper and throw it into the Goblet of Fire. And remember that the winner gains riches and eternal glory, though not without facing three difficult and terrifying challenges."

"Difficult and terrifying, huh?" I turn to Sandy. "That sounds like my kind of thing."

~The Big Five at Hogwarts: The Triwizard Tournament~ *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now