Chapter 8

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When I walk out the front castle doors in the morning, I am greeted by lightly falling snow. The first snowfall of the season, signalling winter's beginning. Being reminded of long winters back home, I grin. The cold never seemed to bother me, so I don't even need a scarf or gloves.

Pretty soon, I walk onto the stone bridge that was rebuilt after the second Battle of Hogwarts.

There, I am surprised to see Jack sitting under one of the arches, with a short kid I know to be Sandy standing near him.

But what truly worries me is the brooding look on Jack's face.

"Jack, are you all right?" He simply gives me a nod. I think for a moment. "Is it about this?" I pull a rolled up copy of the latest Daily Prophet out of my robe and gesture to the front page. His eyes flicker briefly over the words Pitch Black wrote: "Jack Frost's past is a secret known to no one, and yet when I questioned him regarding the origins of his wizard powers, he slyly avoided the subject," and, "Whether Mr. Frost is too stuck-up or too afraid to elaborate upon what happened two years ago, my readers can be reassured that I will not give up. And as he said, 'I'm not the same person as I was then!' Perhaps he is not all he says he is..."

"That imbecile can say anything he wants about me; I don't care what these people think of me," he grumbles.

"Not even your friends?" I ask. Then I take a chance. "What did happen, exactly?" I found a book once about Jack, but it only told me part of the story. I wonder if it will help him to share it.

"I'm not even sure."

"Jack, it might help--"

"No! Elsa!" He bursts out. "I really don't know. Two years ago, I was completely normal. A-a Muggle. And then, one day when my younger sister and I were out on the ice, it started to crack. She would've fallen in." His voice lowers to almost a whisper. "But I pulled her out of the way, making me fall in. I thought I was dead. I might've been, for a time. But someone--something--turned me into a wizard. I don't know why."

"Then why didn't you go back to your family?" I clasp my hands together.

"I don't know. I was just so confused, so scared. So I ran away. Even changed my last name. I was afraid they'd--,"

"--Never treat you the same," I rest my hand on his shoulder.

"Now she thinks I'm dead, and I don't even know if I can find her again." The pain in his eyes cuts me to the core.

Sandy is still standing there understandingly, which makes me think him a very patient person.

"Hey, you guys!" I must leap three feet in the air at the sound of Rapunzel running onto the bridge. Next to her is Merida, red hair flying, and a tall Durmstrang.

"You guys, guess what? Eugene here's going to give me the chance to see the Minister's lights at the Yule Ball!" She wraps a strand of golden hair around her finger eagerly. I smile, knowing that following her heart is important to my friend. Then she sights Jack and Sandy.

"Jack, is something wrong? And who is this?"

Jack jumps off the edge silently and heads north, so I answer for him.

"That's Sandy, and Jack's just feeling nervous about the First Task."

But I'm saved from any more lies when a recognizable screech sounds from the sky. It's Hiccup, on the back of Toothless.

"Meet me at the pond!" We hear his voice slice through the clear, cold air.

Pretty soon the seven--eight, if you count the dragon--of us are gathered at the bank of the large pond a mile out from the castle.

"Oh my! Isn't it beautiful?!" I let out a little puff when I gasp at the newly frozen-over water.

  The morning sun reflects off the crystalline surface, bouncing off the swimming fish below and the piles of snow around.

Lightly and carefully I step onto the ice, immediately slipping on the rime. Fortunately, Jack is on the edge to catch me in his arms, so I'm looking up at his amused face. I feel my face grow warm, and know that I'm probably putting tomatoes to shame.

"Heh...slippery," I quickly prop myself up once more. But now Jack is staring at the frozen surface, with a haunted look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I try to keep the urgency in my voice from reaching the others, who are now gathered at the foot of an old leafless tree.

"I...I keep feeling like I'm falling, into the cold...the dark. Except..." he swallows and stares at me.."this time you're the one in danger." I purse my chapped lips.

"Jack, I think you need to do something about this. There must be some way to--I don't know--to track your sister down. I hate seeing you like this."

At my words, Jack's face lights up.

"You're right, Elsa! That gives me an idea! Thanks." He smiles, and before I can stop him, he kisses me on the cheek and runs back towards the bridge.

I'm not sure whether to yell at him the next time I see him or return the favor.

"What's with Jack? He's perked up," Eugene remarks.

"I think it might've just been Elsa who cheered him up!" Merida wiggled her eyebrows at Rapunzel, causing them to collapse in laughter. I don't think they glimpsed the kiss, but I still try to play it cool.

"Whatever." I sit down next to Sandy, who gives me a wink.

"Oh, Merida, didn't you want to show me something when we met up?" Rapunzel wipes the laughter tears from her eyes.

"Just another one of my mother's letters lecturing me on how important it is that I marry well."

"Don't worry. She loves you; she'll come around." The green-eyed beauty reassures.

"You both will." Hiccup adds.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Merida accuses.

"I'm just saying that sometimes it takes a little understanding from both of you. Haven't you heard of compromise?" His hands are raised in defense, but I nod in agreement to his words. Perhaps even I need to give the whole dual understanding thing a try.

"Meanwhile, my mom is angry at me for going to the ball with a 'stranger'. And she's not answering my letters anymore." Rapunzel hugs her knees in worry.

Eugene frowns in thought.

"Are you still going?" He asks.

"Not sure," she shakes her head, disappointed.

While they all cheer themselves up by laughing at how many students are desperate for Yule Ball dates, I instinctively raise my thin fingers to where Jack's lips touched my cheek.

~Wow, I still haven't had a Merida chapter, yet! Sorry about that; it should change eventually. And just to clear something up: Jack is not, in fact, immortal here.

~The Big Five at Hogwarts: The Triwizard Tournament~ *Sequel*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon