Chapter 21 (Final)

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"Quite a day, huh?" I tell Jack before I even see him in the library doorway. I've learned to recognize even his stealthy footsteps.

"Quite a year, more like." He sits next to me on the sofa. He's right. But after we take our N.E.W.T.s tomorrow, then it will basically be over.

"You're coming to dinner, right? Apparently we're being given a thank you speech by the Minister himself," he says. "Who would've thought that the guy so discontent with what he was at the beginning of the year would be saving this world not once, but twice!"

"Whoa." I tease, "The world? Calm down; it was just the school. And to answer your question, yes, I'm going to dinner." He smiles and leans back.

"It feels like I'm finally a real part of the Wizarding World, and I bet you get a teensy-weensy bit of satisfaction from knowing you'll be in history books one day," he prods gingerly, tilting his head. I let myself smile just a little.

"And after graduation? What then?" I counter.

"I'm going to see my sister," he responds immediately. "McGonagall thinks she's got a lead on her. And I know you are too. But does that mean you'll run for mayor one day too?"

"I don't think so. I'll always admire my parents, but that doesn't mean I want to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life. Maybe one day I'll run into you at the Auror Office."

"I've rubbed off on you, have I?" Jack grins and takes my hand, so we can both stand up.

"They all have." I look down, thinking of The Big Five. I really hope we can stay in touch after the end of the year. At the same time, I can't wait to give Anna a gigantic hug and show her how her sweater looks on me, which I'm wearing today. It's itchy, but it's itchy with love.

"Oh, and one more thing." He stops me and reaches into his sweatshirt pocket. Then he pulls out a small sprig of green leaves and white berries sheepishly. "I kinda...found it," he laughs.

"Mistletoe. Very original," I raise an eyebrow, but I feel a blush creeping up my neck. He looks at me through his hair as if to ask.

As an answer, I hold the mistletoe above our heads and stand on my tiptoes. Jack still has to bend down, but he holds his hand behind my head gently and kisses me.

~The Big Five at Hogwarts: The Triwizard Tournament~ *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now