Chapter 7

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"Hey Blondie!" I turn around in the hallway to see Flynn. Again. Why is he always right there?

"Hiya Mr. Fitzherbert," I smile.

"Ugh. You heard that? Okay, okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you my actual name. It's just a more macho nickname than Eugene, right?" I shrug.

"I don't know. I kind of like Eugene. You know, it means 'well-born'." He smiles at me and after a second, continues.

"I just got done with the Champions' interview for The Daily Prophet. Your boyfriend was acting really weird though." My eyes widen.

"Jack? He's definitely not my boyfriend."

"So you don't have a boyfriend?" I feel my face grow hot.

"Well, I never said that. But no, I've never had much time for romance. My mother makes sure of it."

"Mommy issues, huh?"

"I wouldn't say that exactly!" I gasp.

"Hey, you're lucky to have 'em. At least it means you have a mom." His face sobers up for a moment.

"Do not have one?" I ask quietly, trying not to pry. I'm just curious.

"Nope. Orphaned since birth. Now that was something for the foster parents to witness; me developing my wizard powers." He laughs with a hint of bitterness.

"Are you still in fostercare?"

"Yup. I'm a proud member of the Stabbington family, but I kept my last name because it's all that Social Services knew about me."

Now we're walking outside, over the frost-crusted grass. I shiver, realizing that I must've Apparated right out of my Hogwarts robe in class. I hope the instructor didn't notice.

"Are you cold?" He asks. To my surprise, he takes off his huge brown Durmstrang coat and drops it on my shoulders. "Better?"

"Much," I snuggle into the giant, furry thing.

"See," he keeps going, "I think the whole Flynn Rider thing came from these books I read as a kid. I wanted to be as heroic as him. I wanted to stand up to my bully brothers." He winced, as if he didn't mean to say that part. "But in the end, I'm still just Eugene."

"Well, I believe you can be as heroic as you wish. After all, I used to read about the things I do here at Hogwarts! That is, except..."

"Except what?" I feel silly sharing it, but I can't help it.

"I wanna see the floating lights!" It bursts out with a grin.

"Huh?" Eugene asks.

"Every year--for some reason, on my birthday--these lanterns are released by the Ministry, and I don't know...I just feel drawn to them, like I need to see them up close. Is that crazy?"

"You mean the thing they do for the Minister's lost daughter? A little." Eugene grins. "But crazy's okay with me. Besides, they're releasing the lanterns at the Yule Ball this year. Why don't you see them then?" My shoulders droop.

"I could, but that would mean I'd need--"

"A date," he finishes. I shrug hopelessly.

"Yup. And I'm not exactly desirable. Plus, I don't think any of my guy friends would be free, if you know what I mean."

"So what I'm hearing is, you're desperate for someone to accompany you to the ball, and I'm free?"

"You'd take me?!" I squeal.

"It's the Flynn Rider thing to do," he stopped on the grass in the front of the school and mocked a dramatic stance.

"Who says you can't be heroic?" I give him a quick hug. I can't wait to tell my mother.

~The Big Five at Hogwarts: The Triwizard Tournament~ *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now