Chapter 9

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I yank my ginger hair into a ponytail and rush towards the ice cliffs behind the school, where the Big Five--even if Jack wouldn't be there--arranged to meet. I tighten my red and gold scarf to stay warm against the first snow of winter. It's just in time for the First Task too. It reminds me of cold winters back home, where Mum would gather the family together inside and tell the story of how she and Da got married. Now it seems like all she cares about is finding me a date to the Yule Ball. She's even sent me a list of possible suitors, ignoring my protests.

"Hiya, guys!" I stop in front of Hiccup and Rapunzel, who are standing underneath the ice-carved arch leading into the arena and surrounding seats.

"About time. Can we find a seat now?" Hiccup grumbles.

"Wait. What about Elsa?" Rapunzel stops us.

"Actually, the head of Ravenclaw House told me she's gone home for Christmas. He wouldn't tell me anything else." Hiccup explains.

I raise an eyebrow.

"But Christmas holiday hasn't even started yet. And what about the ball?" I wonder.

They shrug hopelessly.

"I bet she was looking forward to seeing Jack's first task, too." Rapunzel hinted with a mischievous smile, earning an eye-roll from Hic.

We enter to find some seats, squeezing into the crowd that's busy cheering on their school, placing bets, and buying food from vendors.

The icy stadium was made just this year, and is designed to rise up out of the ground every winter. Don't ask me how the architects managed that.

This unique design makes for both cold butts and a beautiful surrounding view of the dozen small iceberg cliffs, sliced through with a sparkling channel.

"Hey Vanellope!" I wave my hand at a short fourth-year girl holding a betting box. "I'd like to put two Galleons on mah man Jack Frost!" The Slytherin pops a lollipop in her mouth and takes my two coins.

"Sheesh! Throwing your money around, huh?" Rapunzel jokes.

"You gotta take risks if you're gonna win anything substantial! G'doy!" Vanellope blows some black bangs out of her face and moves on through the crowd.

Just then, the voice of McGonagall echoes over the stands from the staff seating.

"Welcome students, to the First Task of The Triwizard Tournament. The Champions from each school must complete one simple objective: collect the ice formation that the Snow Monster is protecting. What's inside of it will give you information that you cannot enter the Second Task without." A shudder escapes me when a looming monster of snow exits the nearest cave, roaring through a gaping jaw and unsheathing sharp icicles from its back like a porcupine.

"What. Is. That?" Rapunzel whispers.

Hiccup begins matter-of-factly. "That, my friends, is a Snow Monster, native to the mountains of Arendelle due to its need to stay cold. What's really interesting is if it reaches temperatures above 10°, it automatically morphs into a small white cat! Its appetite is exclusively Mountainthorn berries. This--"

Okay, we get it Hiccup!"  I growl, cutting him off. "I'm guessing you were the one who had the brilliant idea of having them fight this thing in the first place?" He nods proudly.

"I am the gamekeeper, after all."

"So all Jack has to do is warm him--or her, I suppose--up?" Rapunzel inquires.

"Pretty much. But that's what makes it a challenge; nobody knows that, unless they just happened to come across the secrets of obscure mountain creatures. We haven't covered it in class yet, and knowing Jack, he has no idea either," Hiccup finishes.

"Unless--" I start.

"No, we are not telling him," he scolds.

"That would be cheating!" Punzie cries. I cross my arms grumpily. I guess I'm outnumbered by goody-two-shoes this time.

"First up for Beauxbatons, Mulan!" The canon fires and a dark-haired figure enters from the side.

We sit through the trial of Mulan, who does a pretty good job of leading the monster between two glaciers before causing a rockslide to fall on it.

Next is Eugene, who manages to climb up on the cliffs above the monster's head and lift the small ice bubble up to him, using a levitation spell. Rapunzel cheers like crazy for him, and even I have to admit it is a pretty impressive time. Hiccup, however, wants to stay "impartial." Whatever.

Finally, it's Jack's turn. I trust my friend can do it, but I'm still nervous.

Within a minute of dodging and leading the monster away from the prize, Jack's mouth moves in what must be a spell, making a plume of huge blue flames spout from the tip of his wand.

Suddenly, the monster is shrinking rapidly down to a tiny, furry feline.

"A kitten?" I hear someone whisper incredulously.

Once Jack runs and grabs the ice sphere, there is a millisecond of absolute, surprised silence.

"Heck yeah!" I jump up and throw my fist in the air.

Now everyone in the Hogwarts stands is screaming and cheering. Jack has beaten even Eugene, with the best time yet!

We all manage to battle the crazed crowd to the Champions' tent, to congratulate Jack.

"That was amazing, Jack!" Rapunzel squeals.

"How did you know about the Snow Monster's transformation tendency?" Hiccup cries.

"Just a little tidbit I picked up from hanging around Elsa when she's studying. Helps to have an Arendelle resident around, huh?" Jack answers. "Speaking of which, where is Elsa?"

"Apparently, she's gone home for the holidays," I tell him.

"Oh. Really? That's weird..." Disappointment and confusion cloud his face.

"Oh my goodness, Jack! You did so great!"  An unfamiliar yet perky voice chitters as a pretty girl in a Beauxbatons uniform runs up to Jack. She's wearing a colorful, feathery scarf and has dark hair with dyed bangs.

"Thanks, Tooth," He smiles, but there's still that disappointment on his face.

"Well, we really should go." Rapunzel grins, pulling us away. I'm so glad my best friend can tell when things are getting awkward.

"Who was that?" I whisper, getting nothing but uncertain glances.

~The Big Five at Hogwarts: The Triwizard Tournament~ *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now