Part Two

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April 21st Supersons of Tomorrow set
The cast had been in makeup and clothing for a few hours after breakfast since characters such as Beast Boy, Raven and Starfire were being used and they need to be painted, green, orange and pale white respectively. After they got finished up they entered the se where the directors Gleason and Tomasi were waiting with the costume and set designer Jorge Jimenez.

"Good you're all here take your places" Gleason announced

"Titans your over there on the blue 'X' and Superman and the Supersons you're leaving the fortress" Tomasi stated

"Okay 3,2,1 ACTION" the directors said in unison

Clark and the two teens began walking out of the set entrance of the fortress and Damian began putting his hood up signalling Jon for his line.

"Uh-oh The Titans look serious...somethings going on" Jon said nervously

"Sit-Rep, Starfire?" Damian questioned

"We need to talk about what just happened. Saviour fractured us. Easily. And it is important to air all our feelings so we do not put the team unity in jeopardy again" Kori replied

"Well, obviously a meeting at the Tower's outta the question, since it kinda got blowed up" Gar joked nervously with a side eye to Jon

" about that...I'll do whatever I can to help rebuild it" Jon replied scratching his head

"No worries, you all have a temporary HQ until you get yours back up and running. Initiate JL HQ transport code for eight on my mark" Clark exclaimed

The cameras cut and they all left the artic set and headed to the Watchtower set, they took position on the teleport pad and the cameras began rolling again.

"Welcome to the Justice League Headquarters, our meeting table is yours, I'll be in the monitor room if you need anything" Clark stated

The group walked towards the round table surrounded by chairs

"All right, stop standing around and gawking..." Damian ordered taking the chair with the bat insignia he threw his feet up on the table a d laid back into the chair "They're called chairs, they're for sitting" Damian finished

Kid Flash touched the Flash symbol on another chair, Aqualad stood behind Aquaman's chair, Starfire took Wonder Woman's, Raven sat in Cyborg's and Beast Boy sat in Green Lantern's.

"Guess I'll leave you all so you can have your meeting" Jon said solemnly as he walked past and spun his father's chair

As he walked off and towards the hallway Damian whacked his hands on the table while saying "Meeting's called to order!"

The room fell silent as Jon continued walking

"I move we put Superboy up for a vote to be a half-member of the Teen Titans and later be recognised as a full member once he turns thirteen years of age. Do I hear a second?!" Damian exclaimed

"Damian...I have no doubt Jonathan would make an excellent Titan- -" Kori began

"Sorry, I overheard ya, is there anything I can do before you vote, to help convince you?" Jon question beaming and rushing back

"Not necessary" Damian smirked with a thumbs up

"Okay I'll let you get back to your secret vote, you won't regret it! I'll make a great Teen Titan! I'm a total team player" Jon said walking away as the camera got up close

It then zoomed out putting the Titans into the background and revealing Batman in the foreground as Jon left the room

"Oh, Hi Batman" Jon said

"Hrmm, I want a complete report from you kids about the alternative Tim Drake and every detail about your encounter" Bruce exclaimed as he walked up behind Damian sitting in his chair

"We're in the middle of a vote here, could you- -" Damian said

"What are you voting on" Bruce interrupted

"On whether Superboy can join the Teen Titans" Damian answered

"Maybe I should leave the room...?" Jon said hanging his head

"No need. Go ahead, take the vote, a show of hands should do" Bruce stated

"Okay, who thinks Superboy should be a Teen Titan" Damian said raising his hand

But only he did

"And the nays have it. Sorry Superboy" Bruce said

"Jonathan, this recently craziness just points out that we have a lot to figure out among ourselves" Kori said

"I know you're disappointed, but this vote is not a reflection on you, Superboy, it's really more a reflection on us" Rachel reassured

"And what we still need to work on as a team" Kaldur followed

"Well, I'll let you guys get to it...see ya..." Jon said sulking as he walked off

"Be right back" Damian exclaimed running after him

Damian caught the upset Superboy in the hallway and grabbed his shoulder

"Sorry about the vote" Damian said

"That's okay. Thanks for having my back, Damian, it means a lot" Jon stated

"Hey that's what partners are for. We look out for each other" Damian said

"That's what friends are for, too, right?" Jon questioned

"'Friends'?" Damian replied

There was a second silence

"You just had to ruin it, didn't you?" Damian asked

"Sorry" Jon replied

"...Don't be" Damian said as they walked off and the camera zoomed out watching them

"And that's a wrap" Gleason exclaimed

"Everyone gather up, group hug" Tomasi stated

"I don't do hugs" Damian said

"You do now" Jon replied as he and Gar dragged Damian into the hug

"So what happens now" Rachel asked

"Well editing will take a month or two, and we will release the trailer next month and then the press junket starts two weeks before release" Tomasi replied

"Now go, go celebrate pack up and have fun" Gleason ordered

"I'll race you to the door one last time" Jon said

"Your on Lame boy" Damian replied

"Oh it's on boy blunder" Jon stated. The two raced off and Damian one the race they then headed out and got ready to leave. Grabbed their things and then headed to the cast party before going to their respective homes.

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