Part Ten

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October 21st The Studio 17:30
They were filming the last scene of episode six before going on a break for Halloween. They were on the set of an alien forest and Rex Luthor was just finishing his speech on how he was going to take over.

"So, the bad news is you're going to die. The good news it you won't have to live to see my future. And neither will your little monkey-dog-thingie here!" Rex stated holding a prop monkey

He then fell forward screaming "gaahh!" as if he was shot in the back, Damian and Jon looked beyond the camera puzzled

"There my girl. Good hunting" a voice said to the monkey "Now whichever one of these punks blew up my wonder machine is gonna have to answer to Tommy Tomorrow and I am one ticked-off Planeteer" Tommy stated

"Hukka. Hukka" they had the prop monkey say

"Stop squirmin', you're busted. I hid my wonder machine on the outskirts of this sector for a reason, ya twerps. Now the beings I stole it from are gonna know it's missin' and it'll take 'em three ticks to figure out who did it. I'm tryin' ta save the damned universe over here!" Tommy stated grabbing the two

He began dragging them

"Hukka, grab the hairless one and bring him to ship" Tommy ordered

"Hukka!" The monkey prop was made respond

"Yeah, don't worry, buddy. He'll get his payback" Tommy replied

He dragged the boys to the ship

"I know just where we can drop these delinquents and that place takes in all sorts of these types. What are you guys anyway? Daxamites? Cygnusians? Anything but Earthlings, I hope. These guys hate Earthlings. Good thing is, my scout buddy here was able to find you pretty quickly. And lucky for you two boys, you were nice to him.." Tommy said petting the prop

"Hukkahukka" The sound machine made in response

"Baldy on the other hand he's as much of an ass as his buddy said he was" Tommy said as he put Rex in the ship

They went on for another but until they changed set so they were inside the ship

"Lobo's gonna laugh his ass off when I tell him about this. Hukka, I'm takin' their vocal restrained off" Tommy said

There would then be a time skip so that it skips over what happened in the previous episodes

"And that's when your wonder machine blew itself up along with the visions of our future selves. So you see, we didn't blow anything up on purpose! Swear! We're just trying to get home Mr.Tomorrow" Jon stated

"Nice story kid. I'm a bit of a writer myself, but I know fantasy when I hear it. No way two children- - from Earth of all dungholes- -managed to destroy one of the most powerful weapons in the universe over the course of one sun cycle" Tommy replied

The cameras then zoomed up on Tommy Tomorrow

"Good news is you're going to have plenty of time to come up with some new stories. This Tommy Tomorrow. Helix Code: Twilight-1952" Tommy stated

"Copy, Double T. What did you bring us" a man said on the screen

"Two kids Terrans. One genetically powered, ultra-class. The other is wound tight. Sharp" Tommy replied

"Excellent they'll be right at home on Takron-Galtos" the man stated

"Whole planet's a prison just for criminals who think they can go around murdering people. You'll love it" Tommy said to the boys as the camera zoomed in on them looking shocked

"And cut, that was great. Everyone go get out of costume and make up and now go enjoy the week off" Tomasi stated

They all said their goodbyes before heading to their trailers, we'll all except Jon who went to Damian's.

"So want to do anything over the week" Jon asked

"Yeah be with you" Damian replied

"When did you get cheesy" Jon asked

"When I started spending to much time with you" Damian answered

Before Jon could say anything else Damian's lips were smashed up against his and then he pushed him up against the wall and they continued making out until the door opened and Damian jumped off of him.

"Oh Drake it's just you, wait why are you here" Damian said relaxing a bit

"I'm here to collect you Bruce and Dick are busy, and Jon you okay?" Tim asked

"Yeah just peachy" Jon replied

"You two ready cause Bernard is waiting" Tim stated

"You brought your boyfriend to collect us" Damian asked

"Wait Tim your dating Bernard I though you were with Steph" Jon questioned

"Great secret keeping Damian" Tim said

"He will keep it a secret, because you don't know my secret you know ours" Damian replied

"I will" Jon stated

"Fine we'll get out of those super suits and quickly" Tim said leaving

"That was close" Jon sighed

"I need to talk to him about knocking" Damian stated

Jon left and headed back to his trailer to change and grab his stuff while Damian changed there in his. When Damian got to Tim's car Jon was already sitting in the back and then Damian got in.

"Finally you took your sweet time" Tim stated

"Is that my jumper?" Jon asked

"Maybe" Damian replied lying on him

"I thought you said he was a monster" Bernard whispered to Tim

"I can hear you" Damian stated

"He is, I didn't think he had this side to him" Tim replied

"He has a lot of sides you haven't seen" Jon exclaimed

"So do you guys want to go back to the Mansion or be dropped somewhere else" Tim asked

"The Mansion, we need to grab our bags" Damian replied

"Bags?" Bernard question

"Oh we are going to go away with Cassie this week" Jon replied

"But your sixteen and fifteen" Tim exclaimed

"So what, you, Todd and Grayson all went away before and you were younger then Jon" Damian stated

"But wouldn't Dick have been like a responsible adult" Bernard said

"Grayson responsible" Damian laughed

The conversation continued until they got back to the Mansion, they grabbed their bags and waited for Cassie to come get them. They then rode off towards the airport and took off for their week away. The boys had decided not to tell Cassie but did agree that if they had to they would.

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