Part Three

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Wayne Mansion Hollywood May 8th
The Wayne family still owned their Manor in Gotham but since becoming actors they moved out to Hollywood and into a massive Mansion which is about three quarters the size of the Manor. Damian was currently in the hot tub scrolling through tabloids and news feeds that were relating to the movie, The Supersons of Tomorrow which was scheduled for a June 28th release. Well he was until he happened upon on an article that almost made him drop his phone so he phoned Jon.

"Get over to my house right now, and don't let anyone see you" Damian ordered hanging up

Jon arrived at the house twenty minutes later and was shown out back by Alfred

"Okay what's so urgent" Jon asked

"Look at this" Damian said handing over his phone

"What have you not seen all the fans hashtags and commenting this on all our posts" Jon questioned

"I have, but that's not a fan. That's a newspaper that says they have proof" Damian replied

"They can't it's not true, we aren't, Damijon isn't a thing" Jon exclaimed

"I know you imbecile, that's why this is a fucking problem" Damian stated

"Hey language" Jon said

"Grow up you're practically fifteen" Damian spat

"What's so wrong about this, we can just deny it. We can tell the truth at all the interviews" Jon replied

"It's annoying, why would people think I'd date you, like seriously why would I date such a loser" Damian sighed sinking into the tub

"I'm going to ignore that, but maybe it's because we are so good as friends" Jon suggested

"Are we, I hadn't noticed" Damian replied

"Can I go now, since your emergency wasn't an actual emergency" Jon stated

"Sure" Damian replied going back to his phone

"Thanks for wasting my time" Jon said

"Sorry that I care more about public image" Damian replied

"See ya around Damian" Jon said leaving

As Jon walked through the Mansion there was a knock on the door which Alfred went and answered revealing Tom Taylor a director the boys had worked with before.

"Ahh Jon your parents said you'd be here, I need to discuss something with yourself and Damian" Tom stated

"I'll go get him" Jon replied running to get Damian

The boys came back in, Damian in a towel and swim togs and sat on the couch opposite the director.

"So is this a new project" Jon asked

"We are kind of busy, the promotion of Supersons of Tomorrow starts soon, and then we start preparing for the next season of our show, Adventures of the Supersons" Damian stated

"I know you two are extremely busy, but I want to do a prequel to DCeased, called DCeased Hope At A World's End, seen as you two were the Robin and Superboy at the start of DCeased I thought I'd offer it to you two instead of finding new people" Taylor replied

"Of course the last one was a huge success" Jon beamed

"Fine I guess" Damian sighed

"Great the scripts are almost complete and I'll have them out to you soon and I'll try work it out the you won't be overlapping or over doing it" Taylor stated

"Thanks Tom" Jon said

"Thanks" Damian said

Tom left the Mansion followed by Jon while Damian went back to what he was doing, while walking down the street Jon was bombarded by people asking for pictures, autographs and about him and Damian until his saving grace arrived.

"Get in" Cassie stated from her car

"Great thanks Cassie" Jon said closing the door as she sped off

"So have you heard from Tom" Cassie asked

"Yeah he just caught me before I left Damian's" Jon replied

"So the tabloids are true" Cassie said

"No, Damian called me over to give out about public image. Honestly he could have been nicer about it" Jon replied

"Damian nice?, in what universe is he nice" Cassie laughed

"I don't know" Jon answered

"So anyway, what are you're thoughts" Cassie asked

"On" Jon questioned

"Hope At A World's End" Cassie stated

"Ohh, we'll if it's anything like his last film, it will be spectacular" Jon stated

Just then Jon's phone began ringing he answered it and turned on speaker but before he could say he was with Cassie the person in the other end spoke

"Hey you big dopey idiot, you left your stupid keys on my couch. I'm not driving to your place to give them back come get them" Damian spat

"Hey Dames" Cassie said

"I don't call you put the idiot on" Damian said

"Your on speaker Dami" Jon sighed

"AN" Damian shouted

"What?" Jon questioned

"Dami-AN not Dami, you left out the fucking an" Damian replied

"Hey calm down" Jon said

"Just get your stupid keys" Damian said hanging up

"What's biting his ass" Cassie laughed

"I don't k ow but he's been like this for the past month" Jon replied

"Want a lift to his" Cassie asked

"If you wouldn't mind" Jon replied

"Then let's go" Cassie said turning the car around

They drove back to Damian's and were given the keys and then left and headed back to the Kent's condo on the beach.

"So are you ever going to tell him" Cassie asked

"Tell him what" Jon questioned

"That you don't want the rumours to be false you want them to be the truth" Cassie responded

"What, no what are you on about" Jon exclaimed defensively

"It's hilarious how you think people haven't noticed" Cassie said laughing

Jon just sat there going red in the face

"Hey, I won't tell but you need to hide it better or other people will noticed if they haven't already" Cassie stated

"I have nothing to hide and if I did I would tell you" Jon said quickly

"Sure, well we are here now" Cassie said

"Thanks" Jon replied getting out still red in the face

Jon ran up to the gate and walked through before closing it. He then walked up to the front door and went straight to his bedroom and lay there in shock from what just went down, before turning on his Xbox and playing video-games.

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