Part Five

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June 26th Warner Bros Burbank 15:00
To promote the movie, the cast were going to be appearing on the Vicki Vale show, Vicki Vale had appeared in The Batman TV shows and Movies before but she was a real TV hostess who acted part time and she was thrilled to have them on the show. Jon was in his dressing room all dressed up eating popcorn and watching the TV in the room. Until he heard a knock.

"Come in" Jon called

"You ready" Damian asked entering

"Yeah...what the hell did you do to your hair and is that an earring" Jon asked

"Yes it is and I decided after you wouldn't let me bleach your hair that I would but two streaks in mine a red one and a green on for Robin. I thought I told you" Damian answered

"Well you didn't, I like the hair but the earring I don't understand" Jon said

"Well it's a good thing I do, and I don't need your opinion. Anyway we are wanted on the set for tests" Damian said

"Fine I'm coming" Jon exclaimed standing up

"You're covered in crumbs, can you not clean yourself" Damian sighed

"I wasn't paying attention" Jon said

"Let's go" Damian stated

The boys walked towards the stage of the show and ran into the others on the way, they did their microphone tests and then left before the show began. Vicki started the show and introduced them all and they walked on to the stage and took their seats on the couch beside Vicki's desk.

"So let's talk about the movies sneak peak which we got this morning" Vicki stated

"Sure why not" Clark said

"Now in the sneak peak we see a lot, and I mean a lot. There appears to be a scene in which Titans tower has been destroyed, can we expect any surprises and or deaths of any characters" Vicki asked

"Vicki, you know we can't answer such a question but this movie holds some surprises" Bruce answered

"I was hoping you would be able too, so Damian what's up with the hair" Vicki asked

"I felt like it so I did it" Damian replied

"Short and to the point like usual, so let's talk about what's next after this for the Supersons and Titans since we don't have news we know that both the Batman and Superman shows are continuing but nothing on the rest" Vicki stated

"Well the Supersons are getting another season entitled 'The Adventures of The Supersons'" Jon stated

"And the Teen Titans will also be continuing but with some changes" Rachael stated

"And that's all we can say right now sadly" Kori stated

"Again don't know why I ask, maybe it's the hope that I might get something. Now we are running out of time in your segment so I'll go around the group and give us a word to describe the movie either in a while or for your character" Vicki said

"Growth" Damian replied

"Bonds" Kori stated

"Friendship" Jon followed

"Teamwork" Rachael said

"Surprising" Wally exclaimed

"Action packed" Gar stated

"Wacky" Kaldur said

"Action filled" Bruce announced

"Super" Clark said earning a laugh

"And on that note we go to commercials see you when we return" Vicki said to the camera as they went to break

"Thanks for having us Vicki, wish we could have given more" Clark stated

"No bother, I'll be seeing the premiere tomorrow anyway" Vicki replied

"Well we best get out of your hair" Bruce stated as they left

They headed back to their dressing rooms, when Jon had gotten changed he went to see if Damian wanted to hang out and do something.

"Kent what is it" Damian asked tying his boot

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to like do something since we have a free evening" Jon asked

"No not until after the movie, wouldn't want to be giving the fans and papers more false ammunition to say we're dating. Again I don't why they'd think I'd date a loser like you" Damian said

"Why are you like this" Jon stated storming out

Damian confused walked out after him and followed him as they brushed past Vicki's crew members.

"Hey Kent, what the fuck was that" Damian asked

"Why are you so mean all the time" Jon questioned

"What" Damian replied

"Why are you so fricking mean" Jon stated

"Wouldn't want Mommy to hear you using a booboo word, now would we" Damian laughed

"Damian stop messing and answer the question" Jon said with frustration

"Mean, how am I mean. I know I'm cynical but mean" Damian stated

"You literally just called me a loser, and you have before. You could just leave it at I'm not into guys that's why I wouldn't date you" Jon replied

"You're mad because I said I wouldn't date you because you're a loser, also who said it had anything to do with you being a guy" Damian exclaimed

"So it's just cause I'm a loser, how am I a loser" Jon asked

"You aren't I'm just saying you are, you're my best friend so can you stop acting like a baby and grow a pair" Damian stated

"You're still being mean" Jon replied

"I still don't know why you stormed out" Damian spat

"It's nothing, just don't like being called names" Jon replied

"You're a terrible liar, plus I know Sandsmark already told me" Damian stated

"Told you what" Jon exclaimed flustered

"That you may or may not have a crush on me, I was going to see how long it took you to say something before I stopped putting you down" Damian replied

"I...I don't have a crush on you" Jon replied not looking up

"Sure you don't, I'll be in the dressing room if you feel like not lying" Damian stated

"I am" Jon replied

"Screw it" Damian exclaimed

He turned around and grabbed the younger but taller teen and kissed him before pulling away

"Still feel like lying to me" Damian asked

"No" Jon replied

"Good" Damian said

Damian began walking away as Jon just stood there

"What are you waiting for, I thought you wanted to hang" Damian exclaimed

"But, but you said no" Jon stated

"I say a lot of things" Damian replied

Jon ran after Damian and they went and grabbed their stuff from the dressing rooms before leaving the studio and getting in the car that was waiting they drove around for a while before finding somewhere quiet to sit.

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