Part Nine

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September 9th WB Studios 10:00am
The cast and directors of the next season of the Supersons, entitled 'Adventures of the Supersons', were gathered for the table read of episode 1. Tomasi walked into the room and took his seat opposite the Supersons and welcomed them all and then they began.

"So where we begin, Jon you're eating popcorn while there is a fight going on and Damian is doing it alone, until he asks for help and I'll read stage directions" Tomasi stated

"I'm back, sorry that took so long. Popcorn place was farther then I thought" Jon said

"There is a crashing sound and rubble flies" Tomasi stated

"You sure you don't want my help?, I did learn from the best" Jon stated

"The camera zooms out showing a statue of Superman attacking Robin" Tomasi exclaimed

"OKAY! Fine!" Damian exclaimed

"Ask nicely" Jon replied

"The statue grabs Damian" Tomasi stated

"Stop stuffing your damn face a d help me take your Dad down!" Damian ordered

They continued on with the read until they came to the end of Damian and Jon's read

"Boys that was great, now we will continue with the others. You two go take a break and I think your wanted in the costume department to see if the suits still fit" Tomasi stated

The two got up from the table and headed to the costume trailer and we're fitted for their suits, Jon's had to have a few alterations as he had grown.

The next day 09:00am
The boys were dressed in their school uniform costumes and were about to begin shooting on episode 1. They were shooting scenes without super suits first and then they were going to begin shooting the super scenes. Jon and the extras came barging out of the school door. The cameras on Jon turned off and the ones in the school set, which they were using an actual school for, began rolling.

"My tertiary point on the final essay, Dr.Medley, is that tegmark's interpretation is Schrödinger leaves little doubt that this is a 'Quantum Suicide' machine run amok. I'm happy to stay here and explain if it will restore my proper score on the test" Damian stated as he walked with Dr.Medley

"But Damian, you already received 100 percent. This was a simple recitation of facts for extra credit. I asked for a paragraph, you gave me a 120-page college level thesis" Dr.Medley stated

"Then consider it your summer reading, Dr.Medley. I expect that extra credit and then some" Damian replied walking down the steps

"Dude, it's finally summer! Aren't you psyched?!" Jon exclaimed

"Over. The. Moon." Damian replied sarcastically as they walked

"Guys, don't forget my end of year pool party this afternoon. I texted you the address" Georgia said

"Jon, can you tell your friend Georgia I already have a pool?. And we have swim lessons every day this summer" Damian stated

"Yeah, he's right, Georgia . Our schedules pretty packed. I'm staying at his place for a few weeks while my folks are away, and we have a whole swim thing planned. I'll text you, though!" Jon said

They then walked out onto a the football field set

"Hey, when you said 'swim lessons' you meant, like, we're gonna do super-stuff, right?" Jon asked

"Nothing gets past you. Our HQ has been mostly repaired we still need a resupply and final touches. So we'll start off our battle against evil there. And with our parents away for several weeks, little supervision" Damian replied

"It's gonna be the Summer of Super, Hey Alfred" Jon stated as they pretended a helicopter lowered in front of them

"I beg you...please never say that again" Damian stated

They went and got changed into their super suits and filmed a scene on the set of their HQ before taking an hour and heading out to the parking lot for a fight scene. They had a tall teen dressed as Shaggy Boy pretending to hold a car above his head and roar as screams went off until he through the car.

"Hmm?" Shaggy Boy stated

"Hey, big fella. Big, brainless monster like you probably doesn't even realise that you could actually hurt someone" Jon said pretending to catch the car

"Oh, I'm well aware of my actions...and their end results" Shaggy Boy stated

"Taking him out boss" a voice said

"Gah" Damian gasped

"Robin! Are you all right" Jon asked

"What the- -" Damian asked touching an object on his chest

"Wait, Don't, Touch" Jon said before getting hit

"Shut it!" Shaggy boy stated hitting him

"Hmmmff" Damian hummed as he pretended to be wrapped up which would be later added with CGI

They continued filming until they end of the day before the cast went for dinner and to hang out and get to know each other, as this was the first time Jon and Damian had acted with all the other teens.

"So how long do we have to stay" Damian asked

"We aren't leaving early" Jon replied

"Why not, I could think of a hundred better things to be doing" Damian stated

"Like what" Jon asked

"This" Damian said pushing him against the wall of his trailer kissing him

"As much as I love doing that, we need to meet and get to know our cast mates" Jon replied

"Tt, fine" Damian replied

"Let's go, and here's an incentive" Jon said kissing him

The two left and headed to where the others were gathered

"Hey everyone" Jon said

"Hi" they all replied

"Great they're all robots" Damian muttered

"What was that" JJ (Playing Joker Junior) asked

"Nothing" Damian replied

"Well now that your both here we can eat" Rex stated

"You didn't have to wait" Jon said

"I told you we didn't have too" Brian (Brainiac 6) stated

"Well we didn't want to be rude plus it's their show" Crystal (Ice Princess) exclaimed

They all sat down and began talking and getting to know each other while eating and drinking before retiring to their beds because they had a long day and month of filming to look forward to doing before getting a break in October between filming the first half of the season and the second half.

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