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School quickly rolled around the next morning. Poet was far from ready for it, but she put her best foot forward, and plastered on a brave face. However, not even an hour after she arrived, the school was sent into lockdown.

"This is not a drill!" The principal said over the speaker in a panicked tone. "There is an armed man in the building! I repeat: this us not a drill!" All the lights in the corridor went out, and Poet couldn't help but panic. She was starting to regret needing the bathroom, as she was the only one in the hall right now. Or so she thought. She could hear distant footsteps, and a dark figure was about to round the corner. She was unexpectedly grabbed, and pulled behind the lockers with a hand pressed to her mouth. She met Peter's eyes, and calmed a little. He pressed a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet as he slowly removed his hand from her mouth. Doors slamming open echoed down the hallway, and she squeezed her eyes closed for a moment, knowing what she was about to do was the stupidest thing she's possibly ever done, and will ever do. She placed a hand at either side of his face, meeting his eyes as those three words fell out of her mouth...

"Stay right here."

...She stepped out into the hallway, whistling to catch the psychos attention. He was dragging students out of classrooms, but stopped to look up at her.

"What are you gonna do with that?" She asked, mentioning to the gun in his hand. The man shrugged.

"I guess you'll die first then." He said, shooting at her. She acted faster, as the green glow from her hands caused the bullet to ricochet to the floor. "What the f-"

"Hey! No foul language in a school." She huffed. "I'm gonna give you one chance, and one chance only to pit the gun down. Because it's coming out of your hand. The easy way or the hard way. "

"Where's the fun in just handing it over." Again, he took a shot. And another. And another. And each one bounced right back. Her eyes started to glow a shade of emerald, as she formed a ball in her hands.

"What are you afraid of?" She pondered. She threw the ball of light at him, and it dissolved into his chest. "Your name is Alexander, but people just call you Alex and you're thirty-two years old. Mother... long time dead, and your dad's in prison. Ahh, your worst fear... interesting. I've never met anyone that afraid of snakes but okay." She threw out an arm and a green snake slithered out and quickly towards him. His eyes widened with fear as it got closer. The man started to aimlessly shoot at her, until someone managed to apprehend the man, causing the gun to fall to the floor. She sighed in relief, and the students cautiously started to appear.

"Poet!" She turned her head, and saw Peter quickly approaching her. "What the hell? Are you crazy?"


"Are you okay, did you get hurt?" He asked, concerned.

"Actually, no." She breathed. "I need you to call me an ambulance because I think I was shot..." Her sentence dragged towards the end as she collapsed backwards, blacking out.


"As Poet's legal guardian, It's her sisters decision on who gets in the room." The doctor explained to a very worried Peter.

"No, I know, I understand, but how am I supposed to ask if you won't go and get her for me?" He questioned.

"You'll have to wait until she leaves the room, I'm afraid." Lucky for him, Wanda was passing by at this exact moment.

"Hey, Wanda! Wanda!" He called, frantically flagging her down. She stopped, and started towards him, slightly concerned. "Is she okay? Y'know, is Poet gonna be okay?"

"She's totally fine." Wanda smiled. "She awake. Complaining that she wants to go home. And, she's also hungry for chocolate, so, here's the deal. You are gonna go and get some chocolate, and then, when you get back, this guy is gonna bring you to her room." She said, eyeing up the man for a moment. "Agreed?"

"I will be right back." Peter smiled, before rushing off.


"Wanda, I'm gonna kill you." Poet huffed, staring at the ceiling. "I am so bored in here, why can't I just leave?"

"You can't leave until your discharged." Wanda chuckled.

"W- discharge me then!"

"And I will... tomorrow morning." Poet groaned, throwing her head back. "Poet, all I'm asking is that you stay here tonight. Just as a precaution. I'm worried about you, Po."

"And I love you for it, but I am gonna blow my brains out if I don't get something to do pretty soon." Just as Wanda went to speak again, there was a soft tap at the door.

"Hold that thought." She smiled, pulling open the door. "Guess who I found in the hotel reception earlier?" Poet turned her head, a smile coming over her face.

"Hey, Peter." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"I... well I was worried. We all were. You were shot." He reasoned, as Wanda casually slipped out of the room. "Seriously though, how are you doin'?"

"I'm abnormally sleepy." She hummed. "So... not really any change there then."

"Hey, I brought you something." He unzipped his bag, pulling out a box of chocolates, and Poet gasped when she saw them.

"Oh my god, you're so great." She whined. "They're my favourite too, I can't believe you remembered."

"Of course I remembered."

"Wanda wants me to stay here at the hospital tonight, and I want you to tell me that she's wrong, just so I know it's not me being reckless and stupid."

"Poet, you should stay here tonight." He said, and she nodded slightly. "Just in case."

"Yeah, I know." She frowned.

"But, the school is closed tomorrow, y'know because of the crazy gun man, so I am at your service, mi lady." He smiled. "Anything you need. Just call and I shall deliver."

"You really are so great." She smiled. "And don't worry, I'm gonna be on the Europe trip. We both know I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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