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Peter swings in from above and throws a wooden structure at the Fire Elemental. The Fire Elemental stumbles forward a bit. Peter lands on the side of a wall and looks back at the Fire Elemental. He shoots a web at a fire hydrant. Beck shoots two green laser beams from his hands at the Fire Elemental. Peter pulled out the fire hydrant, which releases at high pressure jet of water from the ground at the Fire Elemental. It roars and is enveloped in steam. Betty and Ned both look at Peter.

"Wait, w-wait. Is that...? Do you think that's Spider-Man?" Betty wondered.

"Uh-uh... No, no, no. It's like a European rip-off version of him. I was actually reading about him the other day. It's not him." Ned excused. The Fire Elemental roars again and charges toward Peter. It tries to punch him, but instead punches the wall Peter was attached to. He evades its attack with a backflip and he lands on the carousel. The Fire Elemental destroys the carousel, sending Peter to the ground. The Fire Elemental is holding the destroyed metallic pieces from the carousel.

"No, Beck! He's got the carousel! He's getting bigger!" Ned and Betty look down at Peter.

"What's his-what's his name? What's his name?" Betty asked quickly.

"Uh-uh... It's N-Night... Night Monkey." He said.

"Night Monkey?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

"Night Monkey!" She yelled.


"Night Monkey, help!"

"Night Monkey."

"Save us!" Peter looks up at the ferris wheel and sees Betty and Ned.

"What?" He breathed.

"Night Monkey, we're stuck!"

"Who are you yelling at?!" Poet shouted in annoyance, and Peter then saw her.

"Oh, no, no." Peter said to himself.

"That's Nighy Monkey!" Betty replied. "Help us! Help!"

"What the hell kind of a name is Nighy Monkey!" Peter looks back at the Fire Elemental, who has grown larger and taller due to absorbing more metal. It roars loudly, and Peter uses his web-shooters and shoots at it, however the webs catch on fire and the fire moves down the web toward Peter. The Fire Elemental walks toward his direction and is about the smash him with its enormous hand, when suddenly Beck comes in the nick of time to protect Peter by creating a green energy dome. The Fire Elemental tries to damage the green force field.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked.

"On to Plan B?" Beck asked.

"Yeah! We gotta hit him with something he can't absorb!"

"I'll go left, you go right! Now!" The two split up. Beck flies up. The Fire Elemental focuses on Peter and begins charging at him and launching flames at him. Peter runs from it, and swings to the top of a building and runs up the wall and back-flips off of it to avoid any fires. In mid-air, Peter shoots his webbing at a large rock and launches it at the Fire Elemental, with the aid of a lamp post.

"Okay, shoot at him!" He said to Beck.

"Yeah!" Beck cheered, shooting at the thing. Peter lands atop a lamp post. "That hurt him. Keep it coming!" Peter uses his webs to grab another debris of concrete and throws it at the Fire Elemental. Beck fires at the debris that is stuck in the chest of the Fire Elemental, and it wacks Beck out of the air. "Spider-Man, keep your distance!"

"I'm trying!"

"We can't let him get near the ferris wheel!"

"Okay. I'm on it!" Peter falls to the ground and smashes into a vehicle. The Fire Elemental roars and smashes the ground. The ground cracks and they flaming cracks travel to the ferris wheel. This tips the ferris wheel a bit. Betty screams. This tilt caused Poet to lose her footing, and slip off the edge of the carriage. She grabbed onto a bar, clinging on for dear life.

"Poet!" Mj squealed in fear, trying to pull her up. However, she just wasn't strong enough. "Don't let go!"

"No shit!" The Fire Elemental notices the pair screaming and shouting and begins heading toward the ferris wheel. Beck flies between the Fire Elemental and the ferris wheel and blasts green laser beams from his hands, which hit the hand of the Fire Elemental. It is pushed back slightly and struggles against Beck. Peter runs toward the ferris wheel and shoots his webbing at an invisible object.

"Whoa, what is that?!" Peter wondered, and Poet saw something fly into an alleyway. The ferris wheel continues to tip. Peter runs toward the ferris wheel while Beck continues to halt the Fire Elemental's advance. Peter shoots a web to the ferris wheel and one to the building wall behind it. Fury's motorcade arrives at the scene. In the background, Peter continues shooting webs from the ferris wheel to the wall to prevent it from falling down.

"I can't hold on for much longer!" Poet panicked.

"You have to!"

"I can't." Her breath caught in her throat as her hand slipped. Mj reached for her, but hadn't reacted quick enough, and she started to fall. She felt the wind rushing past her face, as she squeezed her eyes closed. However, it almost felt like she was scouped up by someone, and when she opened her eyes, she was in the arms of a masked figure, who'd caught her before she hit the floor, and placed her safely on her feet.

"Go. Now!" He stressed.

"I can help, let me help!" She said, and he nodded slightly. Poet keeps the ferris wheel still by pushing it toward the wall with the green mist that rose out of her hands.. Beck shoots his laser beams at the Fire Elemental, causing it to back up more.

"That's it! Nice! Nice! You got him!" Peter cheered. The Fire Elemental backs up into scaffolding, which it absorbs.

"No, no, no." Beck breathed. He shoots laser beams at the Fire Elemental, but it's too large to stop. It grows larger and roars fiercely. Maria Hill looks up at it in fear.

"It's too late." She says, and Beck looks back at Peter.

"Whatever happens...." He began, his mask disappearing briefly. "I'm glad we met."

"Beck, what are you doing?" Peter questioned. Beck stares at the Fire Elemental his mask comming back.

"What I should have done last time." Beck summons all his power and yells.

"Beck, don't do it!" Peter pleaded. Beck continues drawing in all his power and snaps his finger. He flies towards the Fire Elemental and enters its chest. It begins to turn green and collapses, disintegrating in a green, misty explosion that spreads throughout the nearby areas of Prague. Peter sets his webbing aside and attaches it on the ferris wheel to hold onto the ferris wheel. Peter witnesses Beck lying on the ground, face down. He drops down from the ferris wheel and runs toward him to checks on him. "Mr. Beck?" Beck is breathing. He looks like he's been in a sauna. "Oh, thank God." Peter pulls him, injured from the ground.

"So, it's over?"

"That was the last of them." Beck said, and he sees Poet. "Who the hell is this?"

"I'm sorry, I just... my friends are up there and I- I couldn't let them fall." She said nervously. "I'm sorry." She started off, slipping into an alleyway and locating the device she saw fall.

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