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Peter links a combat drone with two webs and jumps off the drone and shoots and another web, which attaches to it.

"I hope this works." He said. Peter presses his spider logo, which is a button that sets off his taser webbing, sending electricity to all the drones that he managed to link. The drones begin to malfunction and they are surging with electricity. Peter lands on top of a combat drone and sees that the illusion begins to fall apart. Parts of the Elemental and Mysterio's green smoke trail begin to disappear and hundreds of drones can be seen. The illusion is coming apart. Peter notices Beck in the Tower Bridge upper walkway. Beck notices him too. "I see you." Peter begins flipping onto drones, charging toward Beck. Peter leaps toward Beck's location, when suddenly, a combat drone slams into him. He slams into the outer wall of the other upper walkway and falls down to the ground. Peter attempts to shoot his webs to prevent himself from slamming into the ground. However, he's too late and falls onto the Bridge's railing, which separates the street and the sidewalk. The railing breaks. Peter, in pain, coughs and his right hand covers his lower left rib cage to ease the pain. Peter looks up to see hundreds of drones gathering.

"'Kay, kill it, just kill the illusion, kill it..." Becak yelled. Peter notices the explosion of the Jet where Happy just was.

"Happy, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. We're okay. Just go get Beck."

"Is Poet there?"



Spider-Man has Beck right where he wants him, holding him in the air by the broken helmet.

"Your lies are over, Beck." Peter said.

"This certainly isn't ideal, but..." Beck whistles, and suddenly Poet steps out from behind him.

"Poet? What did he do to to you?"

"I hit her reset button." Beck explained. "Go ahead, Poet." She didn't say anything, but lifted her hands, a small ball rising between them.

"Poet, don't do this."

"Let's see what makes you tick, Spider-Man." She smirked, throwing the ball right at him. She gasped slightly when she saw his worst fear.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Beck hissed.

"I can't show him his worst fear." She said. "He's already seeing it."

"What does that mean?"

"All this time he was frightened that I would become the person that I used to be, and I have. Kill who you are ordered to kill and ask no questions. But that's not it... he saw the loneliness and anger I had inside of me. It's his worst fear because I told him it was mine." Beck stepped towards her, whispering in her ear.

"Kill him." Poet looked at him, before doing as she was told. She drew as much energy as possible, and was about to unleash it, when-

"Wait! Um... uh, w- won't you come see about me?"

"What are you doing?" Beck scoffed.

"I'll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby." Be continued. "Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out and-"

"Don't!" Poet shouted, taking in a breath. "Don't you... forget about me." Peter smiled slightly. Poet turned on her heal, looking Beck dead in the eyes. "Beck, allow me to introduce you to your worst nightmare." From the ground, shot a hand. Two. Three. Out crawled bodies coated in green. All three wearing Tony's armour. "He knows what you've done and he's so disappointed in you." Beck slowly started to back up, and Poet walks through them and up to him, reaching for the glasses from off of his face. "And these don't belong to you." Peter was suddenly behind her, catching something to his right as a bang echoed in her ears. She turned her head as the Beck she had been talking to vanished, and the real Beck dropped his gun.

"You can't trick me anymore." Peter said. Poet took the glasses from his face, turning to Peter.

"How good are your reflexes?" She asked.

"Good enough."

"Let's hope you can catch me when I fall from the sky." She said, slipping the glasses on.


"E.D.I.T.H." She said. "Drone strike on Poet Maximoff. Every single one."

"Dron Strike commencing."

"Poet, what the hell are you doing."

"Trust me, for once in your life." She said, putting the glasses into his hand. "And go." Reluctantly, Peter swung out of the tunnel, looking back as all of the drones surrounded Poet. However, in the moment, a huge green surge flew out of her body, destroying every drone it touched. Destroying the very ground she stood on. Of course, that much power at once would cause her to-

"Fall from the sky?" Peter questioned, not understanding what she ment by this. Well, until he saw he literally falling from the sky. Without hesitation, he went for her, scouping her up mid-fall. Thankfully, the two landed safely down onto the bridge. "Poet? Poet, can you hear me?" She let out an unusual breath, before her eyelids fluttered open.

"What happened?"

"You just blew up like half a million drones." He said with a slight smile. Poet sighed, before shaking her head. "I, uh... I have something for you." He said, suddenly. He reaches for it, and pulls out the Black Dahlia necklace, but then sees its broken. "No. No. Oh my god, I'm so sorry, it- it's- god, I had this plan, this stupid plan."


"And I wrote it all down, I was gonna buy you this and give it to you in Paris at the top-" Poet suddenly kisses him abruptly, and he stands very confused. "And you kissed me. What...? What?"

"No matter what you say, where you say it, it'll mean so much to me." She looks down at the necklace. "Black Dahlia like-"

"-the murder." They say simultaneously.

"Sorry its broken." Peter sighed.

"I actually like it better broken." She smiled. She took it from his hands, gently clipping it around her neck. "How do I look?"


"Oh yeah?" He nods. "You think so?"

"I know so."

"Really? You gonna kiss me to prove it, huh?"

"You bet I am." She smiled, as he kissed her again. This time it was more prolonged and emotional. When the kiss broke, Poet looked around her. "What a mess." She sighed.

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