don't panic!!!.

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this is part two of  {SENSEI IS PREGNANT!!! } someone requested idk if they want to be here so I'm not gonna put them anyways enjoy!!

btw aizawa and y/n are taking care of eri I just forgot her.

au : omega verse

character/s : aizawa shouta

genre : fluff

plot : aizawa gives birth early.

warning : labor, mpreg, section C? 


{ 3 POV }

today seemed quiet since the class discovered that Aizawa is pregnant they become more behaved.

now it was before lunch and Aizawa was to lazy to teach so he told the class to have a free period but not make so much noises.

while they were talking something happened that made them panic.

lets see shall we?

{ Class POV } 

" guys have you noticed mr Aizawa is getting too tired lately? " Deku asked with a worried expression, scared for his teacher.

" idk, his is always tired " said toru shrugging, while getting a few nods in agreement.

" no like WAY too tired " he said sighing.

" yeah I agree with shity nerd, tech has been really tired, I think because he's giving birth soon. " Bakugo said shrugging his shoulder.

" maybe imagine their kids, they would be so cute!! " said mina smiling.

" I think they will. " replied momo.

they all laughed until they heard heavy breathing and saw aizawas sleeping bag shaking, they all thought he was just feeling hot, until they say water dripping from the under of his sleeping bag.

the girls panicked knowing whats happening, though while the girls panicking the boys didn't know whats happening.

" OMG SOMEONE GO TELL THE TEACHERS AND LET THEM CALL MR. L/N !!! " said uraraka panic written on her face.

" I WILL GO IM THE FASTEST " shouted iida back.

±±± time §kip brought to you by the confused boys ±±±

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