Chapter 4

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I woke up with a bright light hitting my face. I opened my eyes and saw a whole city view in front of me.  I was confused. I looked around me and saw that a sleeping Kyo was laying down next to me. Memories from last night started flooding in. Kyo and I went to a 24/7 convenience store, we walked to a park that had a nice view of almost the whole city, and we stayed up all night chatting.

I smiled at the thought. "Y/N?" I heard Kyo say. His morning voice made me become flustered. I looked over to him and we both smiled at each other. Since I sat up earlier, he pushed me down so I was laying on the grass. I put my head on his chest but kept my distance so he didn't change into a cat.

We both stared at the sky. It was 9:56 but we wanted to stay like that for a bit longer. Kyo decided to sit up and sit against a big rock so he would have balance. My head fell to his lap. I looked up at him to see him looking down at me. We both smiled at each other and he started playing with my hair. 

I closed my eyes and relaxed. It felt nice to be in Kyo's touch. If only I could hug him... If only I could...

(something like this except switching it so Y/N is laying down and Kyo is sitting against a rock with his legs stretched out in front of him

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(something like this except switching it so Y/N is laying down and Kyo is sitting against a rock with his legs stretched out in front of him.)

~Timeskip: 3-hour's and 30 minutes~

"Y/N... Y/N... Come on you have to wake up," I heard Kyo say. He was also shaking me lightly. My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw was Kyo smiling. I smiled back at him and slowly sat up. "What time is it?" I asked.

He looked at his phone and said, "2:12." I nodded and we both stood up and started getting ready to go back home. It was a silent walk. Not the awkward ones, but the more calming ones. I wonder what the others would think. Would they think we d*ed of something?

We crossed the bridge and started walking to the stairs. Suddenly, cats came out of nowhere and surrounded Kyo. I laughed while he was fuming with anger. He was trying to push them away without harming them but it wouldn't work. I picked one up and started petting it. Kyo looked at me with a soft expression.

"Come on, let's head back," he said. I nodded and placed the cat down gently. We both started heading up the stairs.  

We finally got to the top of the stairs and we walked to the front door. Kyo opened the door and walked in with me trailing behind him. "We're home," I yelled. Suddenly, Yuki, Tohru, and Shigure came rushing towards the front door while we were taking our shoes off. "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?!" Yuki slightly yelled. 

Kyo and I both looked at each other then looked at the others and we both said, "Out." Kyo pushed pasted everyone to go to his room while I just stayed there. "Seriously where were you guys?" Shigure asked. 

"We went to a convenience store at like 2 a.m and we stayed went to a park and ended up sleeping on the grass," I said. Tohru smiled at me and said, "Well I'm glad the two of you are safe." I smiled back at her. 

I excused myself to go to my room. I opened the door to my room and saw Kyo laying on my bed. I closed the door and walked up to him. "You ok?" I asked. It was sort of a whisper. He nodded and patted the space next to him telling me to lay down with him. I laid down next to him and we both enjoyed the silence.

"Can we do that again like another time?" Kyo asked. I looked at him to find him looking at me. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and started to get off the bed. It was easy for him since he was at the edge of the bed and I had to climb over him to get to the wall earlier. I stayed laying down. He looked at me and smiled.

He reached down a placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled back at him. He then left the room. It for normal for us to give each other forehead kisses and not get flustered since we would do it a lot as a kid. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Eventually, I fell asleep again...


I woke up to the sound of crashing downstairs. I lazily got up and started to head downstairs. When I got down the stairs, I saw a door broken down, Shigure whining, Tohru standing on the sidelines, and Kagura hugging Kyo.


I've always hated the fact that Kagura could hug Kyo but I couldn't. I felt myself fuming but I didn't show it. I just ignored them all and walked to the kitchen, annoyed. It's not that I hated Kagura, it's just that I hated the fact that she could hug him and I couldn't. To make things worse I would see her hugging him...

(I don't mean to send hate towards Kagura. There will not be hate tolerated. Kagura will also not be hated in this story by Y/N. Besides... I'M A KAGURA KINNIE)

"Y/N, Y/N!" Kagura said happily as she came and gave me a side hug. I just smiled at her and patted her arm. I loved her dearly. She smiled at me and let go to make her way back to Kyo.

After some time of talking and laughing, Tohru decided to start on dinner. I wanted to help her since I could stand to see Kagura clinging to the boy I liked. I was going to start setting the table but when I got to the other, I saw a crazy commotion. Kagura was on top of Kyo, trying to give him a kiss while he just squired under her trying to avoid it.

Suddenly, she got it. She kissed him on the lips for a split second or two. The whole room turned quiet and I slowly turned back to the kitchen and quietly went to Tohru. That was my last straw. I put the plates down on the counter and told Tohru that I was going up to my room and that they could start dinner without me.

She nodded and I quickly ran up to my room. I wasn't in tears, not really. I was just upset, very upset. I flopped onto the bed and faced the wall, trying to surpass my anger. 

It felt like hours had passed and someone knocked on my door. "Come in..." I said quietly. Kyo walked in and closed the door behind him. "Y/N?" he said. I didn't answer him. He sighed and walked to me. He rolled me over so now I was facing him. "You ok?" he asked. 

I didn't respond. I just stared into his eyes. "Are you upset about Kagura kissing me?" Kyo asked. What do you think? I nodded and shook my head. He smiled and said, "There is nothing going on between us and there never will be, ok?" I smiled and nodded.

Just as he was about to kiss my forehead, Kagura slammed the door open and said, "Ohhh Kyooo~ I'm sleeping over tonight!" Kyo and I both looked at her with our eyes in shock. "NOT A CHANCE," Kyo yelled while he chased her out. I just laughed.

It was a night of fun and laughter...

*A/N: Heyy Besties! or whoever is reading this... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made it a little long since I felt bad for not posting for some time... Anyways, this was like a filler chapter since I had nothing else to write about... If you're going to start soon or you have started school, wish you the best of luck! Until next time!*

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