You're not alone

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Character: Ben (the maze runner)

Rating: K+, fluff, angst

Words: 1.996

Warning: drama drama drama

Request:  Bonsoir :) I wanted to ask if you could please write an imagine about Ben and the reader? They had a beautiful night together (you know, smut haha) and the day after it, he gets stung(attacks Thomas) and the keepers decide to banish him. That would be so nice of you because such an imagine doesn´t exist and I would really love to read such one! Thanks a lot & keep writing!

A/N: Oooh “Bonsoir”, are you French? Bonsoir to you too cutie. You should know this is my first Ben fanfiction, and since I’m not a very big Ben!girl myself, I’ll try my hardest n.n (he’s so cute in the film though). With a bit of luck I’ll write an okay imagine and I sincerely hope you like it ^.^
(Also sorry for the ending being klunk, maybe if you guys’d like I could write a part two aye)
(Plus Alby’s little speech is directly from the book, so credits to James Dashner, of course)

You’re not alone

“I swear to god you klunk, if you don’t put me down right now I will end you.”

Ben only laughed harder as he continued to walk around with you over his shoulder. There was no way on earth he would give in and let go of you. Yesterday you had the most beautiful night you could remember. Ben had planned a pick nick in the deadheads, where you frequently sought some privacy, and you two had finally used that solitude to the maximum.

“Oh no I am so scared. What wrath will rain down on me now, I am shaking,” Ben said sarcastically, but he carefully placed you on the ground anyway.

“Thank you, you’re a delight.” You stuck out your tongue and fixed your clothes. When you looked up again, Gally was walking towards you. Ben’s face suddenly got a worried expression.

“You better have a brilliant excuse for not being at work Benny boy,” Gally started. Ben visually face-palmed himself mentally and he gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.

“Coming Gally.”

“You bet your sorry ass you are. Today we have to work at the West Door, remember with that tiny brain of yours?” Gally grabbed him by the shoulder after briefly greeting you. You nodded back, suppressing a giggle.

“See you later y/n!” Ben yelled enthusiastically.

“Later,” you smiled to yourself.


“Get him in there!” Alby shouted. Almost all the gladers were gathered around and were moving across the Glade like a swarm of bees. It looked like they were heading from the West Door towards the Homestead. Someone suddenly tapped your arm.

“It’s Ben.” Newt’s eyes were full of panic. You breathing stopped for a moment, but then you managed to snap out of the paralyses and you started running towards the pack lead by Alby, Newt on your heels.

Ben lay on a bed. His muscles were contracting, black purplish veins pulsating underneath ghost-like skin. When you called out his name, his eyes shot open, but they weren’t green like before.
He got stung.
Alby was yelling at Gally, who threw his arms up in distress.

“I don’t know man! We were just working close to the West Door and a griever must have snuck out or something.”

“That’s bullshit Gal and you know it.” You didn’t pay much attention to their conversation. Instead you took Ben’s hand and tried to calm him down with whispers.

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