First choice

178 2 0

Character: Minho (the maze runner)

Rating: K+, fluff

Words: 1.220

Warning: there’s a small fight and mention of blood

Request:  Can you make a Minho imagine where you were there before Teresa and she doesn't like you because you and Minho are together and she likes him so she's mean to you and you don't understand why. Later she suddenly attacks you please 😢 -Anonymous

A/N: Yo thanks for requesting friend! I am so sorry for describing Teresa as such a bitch, I know a lot of you guys like her. It was better for the story to portray her badly, and I don’t mean to klunk on the character in any way!

First choice

“Oh please,” Newt whined. His expression only made you and Minho crack up even more. The both of you lied on the ground, your head on his lap, his back against the tree. Minho’s body folded double from laughter and you hugged your stomach.

“Oh, oh god Newt, your face,” Minho managed to bring out while he wiped away some tears.

“I, I can’t, ha, it’s too, ouch my stomach,” you said in between waves of mirth.

“You alright down there y/n?” Newt bent his head. Finally you succeeded in breathing normally. 

“I’m grand.” You grinned widely to Minho, whose face was hovering over you. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead. In the blink of an eye Newt took your hands and tugged at them, trying to get you to stand up.

“Time to get to work,” Newt said with a stern look on his face. You boggled for a moment, but soon gave up when Minho pushed your back upwards.

“Thanks for the support there boyfriend.”

“Hate to say it y/n, but you have to get your lazy ass up and go plant some food.”

“Have fun with the grievers,” you said as you playfully punched his shoulder.

“Have fun in the dirt.” Minho winked and stood up as well. After ruffling through your hair, he started running towards the West Door. You and Newt headed for the gardens where you had a job as Track-Hoe. Fortunately enough, everyone who worked there was nice. Which couldn’t be said for the Med-Jacks. Poor Winston and Jeff were lumbered with the greenie. The second girl to ever enter the Glade: Teresa. It seemed as if it was her mission to make a big drama about being the almost only girl in here. Luckily she was none of your worries. The only time you guys encountered was when she rolled her eyes at you and Minho, as if she was jealous.

You weren’t too happy to see Teresa standing with her arms crossed in the garden. It seemed as if she wanted to set everything on fire with her eyes and she spoke through gritted teeth.

“You guys having fun?” She spit out the last word, moving those fiery eyes from you to Minho in the distance.

“Actually we were having fun, thank you for contributing to the wonderful mood,” Newt said sarcastically. He bumped Teresa’s shoulder as he went to get the tools behind her.

You sighed. “Well, what do you need? Some kind of herb for a salve or something maybe?”

“First of all I need you, to stay away from him.” Teresa pointed to Minho.

“Excuse me?”

“Secondly, I want to be a runner.” She placed her hands on her hips.

“Excuse me?” Newt asked from behind her. He threw you a dumbfounded look.

“I’m sorry Teresa but you’re only here a week, so you can’t go around changing the way we work.” You took a couple of steps forward and surprisingly, she followed your example. Newt averted his attention back to the gardening tools and he started to pluck out some weed nearby.

“So why can you, huh? You and Minho and Newt should have started working an hour ago.” Her pointing finger started to come dangerously close to your chest, but you refused to back off.

“Again, you’ve been here one week, we’ve been here two years. Besides, we were just taking it slow today, what does it matter to you?” In the corner of your eye you could see gladers gathering around to see what all the fuss was about.

“It isn’t fair that you get to be with Minho.” She pricked your collarbone with her finger. “I mean look at me, he just chose you because there wasn’t anything better around.”

You stumbled backwards, both shocked by her words and her actions, her hands pushing hard against your shoulders.  Those hands had become fists by now.

“If I would’ve been here before you, he would’ve picked me.” Teresa punched your jaw and you took a couple of steps back.

Newt noticed things were getting out of hand and got up, but he was too late. Teresa’s knuckles made contact with your cheek again and now, a thin trickle warmed your face. You fell down and together with a drop of blood you hit the ground. Did she just really do that? Where did she get the nerve? Then on the other hand maybe she was right. Maybe, Minho would have picked her. Now that you think about it, he probably would have. The pain in your face melted together with a growing pain in your heart.
Black spots coloured your view, but you could still see someone running into Teresa, tackling her.

“Slim it nice and easy Minho,” Newt said. He had his arms around Minho, who was leaning over Teresa’s body. Newt pulled his arm back, his fist only a couple of inches away from the girl’s face.

“Minho?” you managed to bring out. He immediately turned around and pushed Newt off.

“Shuck y/n are you alright?” Minho knelt down in front of you and traced the bruise on your jaw. A spasm of pain contorted your face when his thumb made contact with the sensitive skin.

“She did this didn’t she,” he said with clenched teeth. You only nodded. Minho got up again, ready to do the same to Teresa as she did to you, but you quickly grabbed his wrist and shook your head.

“Let her be, she just doesn’t understand.” Minho intertwined your fingers with his.

“Oh I do in fact understand. What I don’t understand though, is why you like her Minho. I mean, look at her. Why have her when you can have me?” Teresa was almost yelling now, struggling to break from Newt’s grip. 
Her question still bothered you. Maybe she had a point. Maybe you and Minho had been together, only because he had no better options. Perhaps he would rather be with Teresa, now that he got the chance.
You smiled at Minho. When you spoke your voice was barely a whisper: “It’s alright.”

Minho frowned. “What’s alright?”

“I get it. I really do, it’s fine.”

“You have got to be kidding me. You actually believe a shucking word she says?”

“Well she’s got a point,” you shrugged. Minho shook his head and chuckled.

“That greenie means nothing to me, absolutely nothing. You, y/n, you mean the world to me.” He placed a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’ll always be my first and only choice.” His thumb caressed the skin underneath your ear and he slowly brought your head closer to his. And then he kissed you. Soft, loving, caring, like a fleeting dream his lips were on yours. Minho was a brilliant kisser and soon his tongue traced your bottom lip, asking entrance which you gladly accepted.

“Oh please,” you heard Newt sigh. Minho’s lips curled into a smile against yours before he broke away. “We’ve got a slinthead here who needs to be punished.” Minho stood up and walked towards Teresa and Newt with pride in his steps.

“Never harm another Glader, not that hard to remember, is it? Enjoy your stay in the slammer greenie.” He grabbed Teresa by the arm and started walking towards the little prison.
Newt walked over to you to help you up. Just as you got to your feet and wiped away the blood of your face, Minho’s gaze met yours. Soundless, his lips formed three words. I love you. Silence had never seemed so loud, and while you sighed happily Newt rolled his eyes.

The maze runner imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang