Cold night

467 8 0

Character: Gally

Rating: K, fluff

Words: 899

Warning: none

Request: Hi there! I hear you’re writing oneshots? I was wondering if you could do a Gally (from the maze runner) x reader, since I saw you reblogging some stuff about him, I reckon you like him? At least a tiny bit? Hm maybe it could be something about the reader’s first night in the glade and she gets cold, so Gally figures out a way to keep her warm? Really fluffy cause Gally is too cute ^~^ -Anonymous

A/N:Aaaaah another Gally fangirl. I love you so much for requesting this. Gally. Is. Cute as fuck. I hope it’s a bit like you had in mind!

The sun had disappeared behind the West Wall, making the Glade a bit gloomy. You sat close to the fire, your arms wrapped around your knees, trying desperately to absorb all the warmth you possibly could. You had always been quite sensitive to cold, so you were hoping the temperature in this place wouldn’t drop that low. It was your first night here, and you were still getting used to the Gladers and their ways. Though everyone was really friendly to you -maybe it had something to do with you being the first and only girl here-, you couldn’t help to feel a bit lonely. You were trying to get some of your memories back, grasping in a black void inside your head, when you felt a hand gently touching your shoulder. When you looked up, you saw a boy standing there. It was Gally, the Glader you like the most so far.
“Hey y/n, warming up by the fire are ya,” he said, his hand still on your shoulder. It was like the warmth of his body was being transferred to yours.
“Yeah, it’s nice and warm here.” You look down at the fire again, the red sparks flying around and falling down, disappearing in the darkness.
“All alone?” When you felt, or didn’t feel his touch anymore, you lifted your head and looked around. Everyone had left, leaving you to be the only person sitting on the logs placed in a circle. You stood up and wiped your dirty hands on your pants, leaving the soil that had been on your skin on the fabric.
“I guess I lost track of time.”
“Uhm, well, Alby has just gone to bed,” he said, throwing his thumb behind his back to indicate where Alby was sleeping –the homestead. “But he said I had to show you your sleeping spot.”
“Oh, okay.” The right corner of your mouth went up a little bit, and you noticed Gally looking at your reaction. In the dim light of the fire, he suddenly seemed to be much more vulnerable than he had looked when you had met him at the start of the day, when he had offered you a hand to get out of the box.
You two started walking, the snoring of the other boys getting louder and louder as you approached your “sleeping spot.”
“So, uhm, I hope you don’t mind sleeping next to me.” You frowned at that sentence, but Gally’s behaviour was confusing you even more. He stood there, fidgeting with his fingers, as if he was nervous. “The thing is,” he continued, “we’d expected a, well, another boy, so we arranged a spot over here.” He pointed to the grey sleeping bag and blanket. “But, I mean, if you want to sleep elsewhere, I completely understand, you don’t have to-”
"Hey don’t worry about it,” you say, sitting down on the sleeping bag. “I mean, if you want me to sleep elsewhere…”
"No! No, I mean it’s cool.”
You both searched a comfortable position and you put the blanket over your sleeping bag, hoping this would get you through the cold night.
“Goodnight,” you whispered, not sure if Gally was already asleep.
"Night y/n.”
You couldn’t help yourself and smiled against the blanket.

A cold breeze only made it worse. You must have been lying there for about what, 3 hours now? You were shaking and all your muscles were tensed. In attempt to get warm, you had pulled the blanket over your head, but after a few moments you had come up gasping for air. Nothing helped. You accepted you weren’t getting any sleep tonight and closed your eyes, cursing your sensitive body.  You heard Gally turning around in his sleeping bag, making him face you, but you held your eyes closed. Staring at him wouldn’t make you get warm. Well, it might have helped a bit, but you didn’t want to come across as the creep that stares at cute boys while they’re sleeping. Okay he was cute.
“Y/n?” Gally’s husky voice made you open your eyes. It looked like he was just waking up, his whole being still sleepy.
“Well hi there sunshine”, you said sarcastically, your voice vibrating from the cold.
“My god you’re freezing.” He sat up straight, suddenly completely awake. You wanted to respond you’re alright, but when you opened your mouth he interrupts.
“Here, take my blanket,” he said as he started folding his cover into a messy pile of fabric.
“No way, you’ll freeze to death yourself,” you said.
“I think I can handle that,” he winked.
“No seriously Gally, no way. It’s not because I’m a girl that you have to take care of me.” As much as you wanted him to take care of you, you weren’t planning on getting the reputation of the weak girl.
“Fine,” he shrugged. “There are other ways to keep someone warm, ya know.”
Not sure what you were expecting, but certainly not this. Gally moved over to your spot and crawled into your sleeping bag, his body pressing against yours.
“Shut up,” Gally said. He put his arm around your waist, pulling you into an embrace. You felt his warm breath on your neck, where he placed a soft kiss.
“Night y/n,” he whispered against your skin.
"Night.” Maybe the Glade wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

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