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Character: Gally or Thomas 

Rating: K

Words: 1.411
+495 Gally+599 Thomas

Warning: Watch out it's like, as cheesy as getting roses and chocolate on valentine's day.

Request:Hey :) I saw your imagine about Gally and it was just really great and lovely! Now I wanted to ask if you could please write another imagine about Gally and the reader. They have been a couple for two years but then they break up because they argued a lot and hurt each other. But when Thomas comes up and seems to be interested in her, Gally realizes how much he still loves her and he is convinced to win her back whereas her thinks she may fall for Thomas. That would be great :) Thank you! –Anonymous (aka Adorable Anon)

A/N: Adorable Anon you are literally the sweetest thing on earth let me love you.
         I hope this is somewhat okay? I couldn’t help but include a very tiny bit Newtmas cause yeah.
        I love Gally too much to give him a bad ending, so I decided to make two endings. One in which the reader chooses for Gally, one where she chooses for Thomas. Hope you don’t mind!

You can choose the ending! Select the following chapter to get flowers from either Thomas or Gally.


When you walk up to the table, Gally is devouring a plate of chilli con carne. The builders had been very busy lately. All day long, the sounds of hammers smashing resounded throughout the Glade. The keeper was starving, which wasn’t that weird since he had to make sure the extension of the homestead was built properly.

“Hiya,” you said as you sat down in between Minho and Newt, right across Gally. He looked up from his food, but only to glance at you for a second before attacking the now almost empty bowl again. You shook your head. Always so passionate about food, about everything. Stubborn, too. Which was one of the reasons you guys broke up. A healthy relationship includes arguing, but not to the point where you can’t have a proper conversation anymore. Your interaction had restrained to nothing more than some polite greetings. Kind of a shame, you reckoned, since Gally was a genuinely nice and funny person. You hadn’t fallen in love with him for nothing.

“So how’s the building going Gal?”Minho asked. Gally shrugged, clearly not in the mood for a conversation.

“Whoa there sunshine, don’t get too excited.”

“Slim it Minho,” you mumbled. Sometimes Minho was just too much of a prick.

“Look who we have here, Sunshine 2.0. You guys are perfect for each other, you knew that?” he joked, but Minho soon received a thump on his shoulder from Newt.

“Leave it shank,” the blond Glader said with a stern tone. Thank the Creators for Newt. He was one of your best friends here, together with Minho of course who sometimes simply was a bit too cocky, and he always looked after you.

You stopped moving a spoonful of chilli towards your mouth. The siren. It was going off.
Everyone jumped to their feet and ran to the Box. The alarm whined and almost sounded like a human screaming his lungs raw. You joined the group in the centre of the Glade and pushed through the sweaty bodies to get a spot in the front. As always, Gally and Newt opened the shutters.

A boy with dark brown hair was sat in the corner of the Box, heavily breathing in and out. At first, he didn’t even dared to look up, but when he finally did, his bright eyes pierced through yours.

“Where- where am I? Who are you people?” His voice was hoarse. The poor thing had been crying and was apparently still recovering.

“Isn’t any of you shanks going to help him out of there,” you sighed, jumping in the Box. Now that you were closer, it felt as if the boy’s fear was being transferred to you. Memories of your own arrival popped, but you soon pushed them away. No need to think about those long, lonely hours coming up here.

The maze runner imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang