Cold night part 2

223 4 0

Character: Gally

Rating: K, fluff and all the cuteness

Words: 1.169

Warning: none

Request: Hi lovely!! I loved your Gally imagine and I am a fellow Gally fangirl myself. I was wondering if you could possibly do a part two of that imagine, about what happens when you wake up and the other gladers see you two cuddling. LOTS OF FLUFF PLEASE!!!

A/N: Oh shuck it I’m just going to write instead of studying cause I’m obsessed as fuck. I really hope this kind of fulfilled your expectations? Sorry if it’s klunk /.\

Cold night: part two

“Gally you smooth shank.”

You opened your eyes, woken up by voices busy mumbling. Behind you, Gally’s chest was slowly moving up and down, in sync with his breathing. Flashes of last night crossed your mind: fire, a hand on your shoulder, the cold, Gally’s warm body against yours.

“Get a bloody room you two,” a blond boy sighed. He was one of the leaders if you remember correctly. You mentally face-palmed yourself when you saw about ten boys standing around you in a circle, and you quickly got out of the sleeping bag. Gally clearly had no idea and continued sleeping, like there wasn’t the herd of guys surrounding him. You just stood there, having no clue what to do.

“Gally,” you whispered sharply. Well this was a nice way to get a reputation in the Glade.

“Wake up Romeo, your lady’s callin’,” an Asian glader said. Surprisingly, Gally did react to that phrase, shifting his body. He blinked quickly and rubbed his eyes. He stretched his arms above his head, revealing the skin just above the hem of his pants. You tried not to look at him, but failed miserably. Focusing on something other than Gally’s body, you inspected the Glader next to you. The blond boy, Newt?, had a massive grin on his face.

Gally finally realised you had company, and squirmed out of the sleeping bag, stumbling to his feet. He fixed his clothes, pulling down his shirt. He looked at you, blushing like crazy. You thought it was the cutest thing and you felt your cheeks colouring red too.

“I- I, y/n was cold.” His voice still sounded a bit raw.

“Well you don’t get in my sleeping bag when I’m cold,” a boy with brown curls claimed. The group laughed.

“Shut it Chuck,” Newt said, “you’re just jealous.” He winked at you and he friendly punched your shoulder. “Hey you two go have some breakfast,” he whispered in your ear.

You raised an eyebrow. How could you two possibly get away from this awkward situation? It’s not like you could just run off.
Newt nodded at the Asian boy, Minho you believed, and he immediately started yelling.

“Alright everybody get the shuck to work! We can’t use any lazy shanks in this Glade aye!” He clapped his hands, and everybody started to move away, but not before winking at Gally to compliment him. You rolled your eyes, but guys were guys.


You sat down under a tree near the homestead and placed your plate with an omelette on the ground in between your feet. Gally handed you your cup of tea and sat down next to you.
You two ate in silence, still a bit awkward about the whole situation. Should you say something?
Hey last night was kind of wonderful. Thank you for keeping me warm. Will you do that again tonight? I actually do not mind your body next to mine at all. Like at all.
You were just making up hypothetically phrases in your mind, when you saw Newt walking towards you. Gally shifted his position, a bit uncomfortable with his presence.

“Well this is a romantic breakfast,” Newt said sarcastically, squatting in front of you.

“Shut it,” Gally mumbled. You suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore, so you put down your food. In the corner of your eye you saw Gally doing the same. This whole thing started to feel like an obligation, like you were in a compelled relationship, just because you were a girl and he was a guy and that’s what people do.

“Hey I’m just kidding.” He winked. “Look, this is getting too weird.” Whoa, no shit Newt.

“But, I’d like to point out, that I totally approve whatever’s going on here,” he swung his finger from Gally to you, “but know that the other boys aren’t that clever or grown-up, so they’ll probably bug you about literally every move you make.”

“Thanks, that’s really comforting,” you sigh. Gally looked at you from the side, but you ignored his stare by looking at your hands. You have always been a bit shy, or that’s what you remember anyway, so you didn’t like that this was getting so much attention. You liked Gally, you really did. Only you hated drawing attention, and this surely was something everyone in the Glade noticed.

“Alright here goes nothing shank,” Newt started, turning his body towards Gally now, “but if you treat this girl here like a proper lady, I’ll convince the others to keep their hands off of her.”
You smiled at Newt, appreciating his effort to make you feel at home, not having to fear walking around slapping greedy hands off of you. You looked at Gally and he returned your glance, smiling at you sheepishly.

“Bloody hell save the cheesiness for later, do we have a deal or not?”Newt stood up and reached out his hand to Gally, who shook it enthusiastically.

“Thanks mate. And good luck with telling Ben he can’t have the pretty one.”  You giggled and felt a warmth spreading throughout your body, originating in your stomach.

“Don’t worry y/n, he’s actually a lot caring than he looks,” Newt said, and after ruffling your hair, he took off.

You cleared your throat, and were just about to pick up your plate again, when Gally placed his hand on yours.

“I know it sounds like a pile of klunk, but since you arrived I feel like something in me has changed?”, Gally frowned at his own words, like he was doubting if he should share this with you. He turned his body to face you fully.

“And you’ve just been here for one day, so maybe I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions when you let me keep you warm last night. I mean, it’s not like you’re in love with me or anything.” He let out a laugh, but his voice was shaking. He was right. You couldn’t be in love with him this quickly, could you? Although the growing feeling inside you was telling you otherwise.

“But- But I think I am.”

Your eyes widened. He couldn’t have the same feelings as you.

“Uh Gally, what are you talking about?” Nerves mixed with the so called butterflies in your stomach spread out like a disease, devouring every part of you, when he placed his hand on your neck.

“You know what just shuck it.” Gally softly put his other hand at the back of your head, and before you even knew what was happening, his lips sent a shiver down your spine. At first you stiffened, shocked at this sudden move, but quickly you melted into the kiss. You cupped his cheek and felt him smiling against your lips. He leaned his forehead against yours, breaking the kiss, but staying ever so close.

“Was that- was that okay?”, he asked. You let out a small laugh.

“That was more than okay. Though I think there’s room for improvement,” you said sarcastically before kissing him again.

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