As you wish, greenie

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Character: Minho (the maze runner)

Rating: K, fluff

words: 2.061

Warning: none (I don't think insecurity is a trigger but it might be so yeah there it is)

Request: What if Teresa would appear along with the reader and all the Gladers just admire Teresa because of her beauty and her perfection. And the reader is completely ignored because she is not as skinny, not as beautiful, not as perfect as Teresa is. And there is this one glader (Minho) who thinks that the reader is perfecter in her imperfections.

A/N: Shoutout to Zoe for being an amazing friend like seriously how are you even real. I hope you like it darling!

As you wish, greenie

"How long do you think it's going to last?"

"I don't know. We've been in here for at least three hours, how far up can a lift go?"

You nod, even though you know Teresa won't be able to see it. Teresa and your own name, nothing more than that. Your mind feels the same as the environment: dark and empty. Frustrating also, yet you try to stay calm, even if it's only for the sake of keeping Teresa calm as well. Yes, it is nice to have someone there with you, but you also feel like you have to be brave for two, since something feels wrong. Really, really wrong. 
A screeching sound interrupts your thoughts and you feel the grip on your hand tighten. Teresa and you have been holding hands the whole time, afraid to lose the only thing that gives some kind of sureness. The lift, or whatever kind of box you are sitting in, comes to a stop with a loud plump and then everything goes silent. It’s scarily quiet, so quiet you can even hear your own heartbeat, the organ pumping blood around at the speed of light.
Speaking of light, a thin line of it is now shining above you, but even that is enough to make you squint your eyes. Finally you can get a glance of Teresa and what she looks like. It’s still dark, but so far she seems gorgeous: big blue eyes, long, ebony hair and a thin body.
You look down at yourself and sigh. It bothers you that you aren’t as perfect looking as her. With a more curvy body and a less perfect face, you suddenly feel insecure and all your bravery from before disappears, just like the darkness does as more light comes in. You let go of Teresa’s hand and both of you use your arms as a shield for the sun. 
A boy’s face hovers over the opening with wide eyes. In the corner of your eye, you notice  Teresa grinning, as opposed to you who immediately feels uncomfortable. Of all the thing that could be there. A boy. For real? And like the gods think it’s funny to see you cringe, more faces show up. All male.
One guy, a blonde, tall one with dirt on his hands and face jumps down and lands right in front of Teresa. He looks up at his –presumably- friends and says: “They’re girls.”

Loud gasps escapes from their mouths and you frown. The blonde reaches his hand out to Teresa and she pulls herself up.
“Yeah no shit,” you respond and you stand up yourself before the boy can help you up like he did with Teresa. You hear someone chuckle and another hand is suddenly in front of your face. With your eyes you follow the arm up to the face of an Asian boy. He is looking down on you with a smirk and you only roll your eyes. Probably just mocking you or something, making fun of you because he isn’t the one that got to help Teresa out of the metal box, jealous of his blonde friend. Nevertheless, you grab his hand –you aren’t going to get out of there yourself after all- and he pulls you up. You can’t help but notice his strong arms.
How his veins become visible, pulsing almost,  when he tenses his muscles, his skin tanned and absolutely perfect. And so was his hair, you notice. Black like soot. His eyes almost the same colour, and for a moment you’re lost in that darkness.
You quickly snap out of it when you hear Teresa laugh loudly. You turn around and search for her. She’s surrounded by almost the whole group, apparently having the time of her life. Curling strands of hair around her finger, biting her lip, giggling like a school girl at the stares of the boys.  That blonde guy seems down to earth though. He even comes up to you, now standing next to the nice-arms-dude.

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