Elizabeth Ray Conors

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*not edited

Sup people? My name is Elizabeth Ray Conors, yeah... so senamadic and I hate it. It's not my real name,  I changed it because I wanted to forget my past, or some people in it. Now I'm Elizabeth Ray Conors.

So call me Liz or Beth but don't you dare call me Elizabeth, unless you want me to cut you. Oh, technically rip your heart out or bite you. But it doesn't sound good so yeah. Confused a little bit? ;) I bet so. I'm a vampire. Starstruck? I usually don't kill people. I drink from blood bags and bad people. You can say that I don't like animals. Like rabbits and shits like that. Ew, I mean who can eat a little bunny? He's too cute.

Ok, now back to the point. I am 18, oh fiiine, 654 but I'm lookin' good all my life like forever young :) I have some special thingies. I can compel people, hear in 100km distance, I can sleep and eat normal human food. I can change my look, like I can be blonde or brunette. It helps when I want to hide or something. I live alone in London, I don't have family nor I want to talk about them. Long short story: we have a rough past. I have few friends as me and as people.

I like to party, drink, just be me and kill of course. I love sarcasm, swearing and pranks, guess I'm a wild child :D Ok, what else? I work as a photo model. I go wild when I can, also love hunting. You know? Human hunting? I don't kill good ones, I just like to kill those, who don't deserve walking on this earth.

I think that's all you need to know for now.

Buh bye, loves. Xx

That's how I look ———>

Unspoken (One Direction&vampires)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt