Worst Day Ever

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  Izuku woke up with a foreboding feeling in his chest. He ignored the irrational emotion, pushing it down and glancing at his unblemished arm. Ochako probably wasn't up yet, there was still an hour until she normally got up for school.

  Izuku picked up a pen and write a quick message onto his arm before changing into his usual smart-casual attire of a white button up shirt, plain black trousers and his signature high tops, only in black instead of his usual red.

  Have fun on the trip today!

  Izuku went down to the bar, greeting Kurogiri and accepting his breakfast.

  "You'll be joining Tomura today on his first attack. Your father just wants you to take notes on any of the enemies quirks, for future reference. You need not aid him in battle, he's got the Nomu for that."

  "What does he need a Nomu for? Who are we attacking, the government??"

  Izuku sighed., taking a drink before continuing.

  "Where are we going? Who are we attacking? What are the enemies numbers?" He asked.

  "You don't need to know, you'll find out soon enough, and there will be 22 enemies present, however only a handful will really pose a real threat."

  Izuku finished his breakfast just as he felt words writing themselves onto his arm.

  "Alright, I'll be in my room, just call me when Tomura needs me." He said.

  Izuku left the bar and returned to his room, unbuttoning his cuff and pulling the sleeve back.

  I will! I'll tell you all about it afterwards! You have a good day too!

  Izuku smiled, pulling his sleeve back down and getting to work on some analysis.


  Kurogiri knocked on his door and told him to put his anonymity suit on. Izuku just needed the vest and a tie. He slipped the two items on, tightening the tie around his throat in seconds, then using a minor illusion quirk to mask his features. Anyone who looked at him wouldn't be able to tell what he looked like. All they'd remember afterwards was his presence, rather than appearance.

  Void stepped out of his room, entering the bar and looking around at all the small time thugs gathered there. No real villains were present, apart from Kurogiri, Shigaraki and himself.

  "Alright Kurogiri, send us through." Shigaraki said.

  The bartender opened a portal that took up a whole wall, which the villains began walking through. Void followed Shigaraki, stepping into a large courtyard. He followed the other Villain's gazes up to the main door, where there was a frightened looking group of teenagers in hero costumes, the Space Hero Thirteen and.. was that Eraserhead?

  Izuku frowned, but Void pushed down the rogue emotions. He was working, and he didn't even know these people.

  "Kurogiri." Void's voice came out like a whispered echo."Send me to a secluded location to study the heroes."

  "Of course sir."

  A second portal was opened for Void, which he briskly stepped through. He looked around for a moment. There was a waterslide and a large boat in the middle of a lake, which was inside the dome amongst other areas, one of which was inside its own dome, and had fire painted on it.

  Void looked down at his arm, pulling the sleeve back. Izuku stared in shock.

  Izuku, we're being attacked by villains! Please contact UA, let principal Nezu know that class 1A is in danger!

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