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Summer finally began and Harley was happy that the school year ended. He was finally done with his first year of high school as well as first year attending a public school.

Between his birthday and New Years and now, Harley and Maya being an official couple. Harley and Maya liked each other more than they did in the beginning. 

Harley was already happy with his new home and life and Maya agreeing to be his girlfriend just made things a million times better. 

Gabe's family had invited everyone come over for a barbecue.

Harley smiled when he saw his friends.

He took off his sunglasses when they got out of the car.

Peter was the first one at the door and he knocked. 

Grant let them in and Harley followed his family into the house and out to the back.

Riley, Maya and Farkle were already there when they got there. James, Grant and Mr. Matthews were by the grill while Elizabeth, Topanga and Katy were sitting close to the grill, just in case the guys needed them.

Harley sat down next to Maya and put his arm around her and joined the conversation.

"Hey, Harls, Peter," Justin said, "I've got four tickets to the baseball game this Saturday. Do you want to come?"

"Can we?" Peter said.

"Yeah, come," Gabe said.

"We'll have to ask our parents, but we definitely want those two tickets," Harley said.

Cassie and Lucas soon came over with their families and they joined Harley and the others and their parents joined the rest of the parents by the grill.

Fifteen minutes later, the food were ready and they all ate.

Before Harley sat down with his friends, he set his plate down and picked up his camera. He had set it on the table and he turned it on.

"What are you doing?" Gabe asked.

"This," he said. 

He took a step back and lifted his camera and pressed down the camera.

"A picture?" Maya said. "Why?"

"Why not?" Peter said.

"Because you never know," Harley shrugged. "You don't realize how important pictures are until they're all you have left."

"Yeah, we get that," Gabe nodded, referring to his siblings and himself.

Harley knew what had happened to his friend's mother. 

A year before Gabe and his family moved to New York, their mother had unfortunately passed away. She grot sick the summer before Gabe started sixth grade and unfortunately grew sicker and sicker until they lost her. 

"No amount of pictures is ever enough," Emma nodded.

Peter nodded.

"Is that why you take pictures, Harley?" Lucas wondered. "So you can remember?"

"Yeah," Harley nodded. "I would do anything to have more pictures of our dad, but we don't."

"Why not?" Farkle asked.

"He was always in pictures, but..." Peter said, "we didn't have much time with him."

Harley nodded.

"Yeah, I get that," Gabe said, bitterly.

Emma put her arm around her little brother and rubbed it reassuringly.

Photograph [Maya Hart]Where stories live. Discover now