four. what an inconvenience

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movie: infinity war
amara davis, aged 16/17

I SAT ON MY balcony, watching as New York went to shit again.

now, you might be wondering, "again? who caused it this time?" please, a wild guess!

never mind, you're talking too long. it's the Avengers, yet again!

as far as i can see ( which isn't very far at all ), there's another battle happening in the street, similarly to the one that happened back in 2012. throwback to when my mom almost got eaten!

my cousin wakes from her slumber. she's not from around here, so this type of thing isn't really normal for her. ( though, she used to live in the same neighborhood as Tony Stark and also always ended up in the same place as him, too. how we ended up so unlucky???? i'm not sure. please send help ). she takes a seat by me on the balcony, but she's very uneasy.

"so this happens a lot?" she asks.

i nod my head, unfazed. "unfortunately."

"bruh, what an inconvenience!"

i make that mtch! noise with my mouth. "i'm sayin'! don't even get me started." i say, but she already did. "the worst part is we can't even do anything about it. all we can do is sit and then fuck up the city for the umpteenth time, and after they're all like "omg guys, we saved the city! go us!meanwhile, the city that they "saved" literally looks like one from a post apocalyptic world.

she snorts. "damn bro, that's crazier than Wanda using my car as a boomerang that didn't come back."

"she used it as a boomerang?"

"sure did," she sighs. "worst part is, we didn't even have no Wanda Maximoff covered insurance. it's not out yet."

that gets me thinking. what kind of insurance do we have?

as if reading my mind, my cuz says, "we can go check right now? maybe?"

and i say bet, and that's what we do.

we enter the place, and i'm pretty sure they're about to close soon, but i gotta know what our insurance covers. i'm going over to the woman at the desk, but then i die.

like, i faded into dust, and there's no one around.

i wonder what the Avengers managed to fuck up this time.

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