eight. dark red

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"something bad is 'bout to happen to me" Dark Red, Steve Lady

SOMEONE IS PLANNING SOMETHING. i can feel it in my bones. i'm not sure who or what it is, but something is gonna happen sooner or later. now, you might think i'm being paranoid, but i literally have the right to be so! Like, a month ago, I was literally dead. Some ugly named Thanos killed me! i know he's dead .... allegedly (i have to say that or else the avengers might actually try to sue me) .... but if i ever saw him, i'm jumping him.

sorry, i'm getting off topic, but i needed to get those thoughts off my chest.

anyway, you wanna know how i know something's going on? it's because peter parker kept staring at me in our woodshop class, and tried to discreetly whisper stuff to ned— probably about me. and so i went up to him, and all of a sudden the kid's a stuttering mess! our interaction went just like this:

*i walk up to him with my arms crossed, very annoyed cause he was literally burning holes into the back of my head* me: what is it parker?

him: uhhhh ummm nothing!

me: peter.

him: yes?????? *his voice goes up an octave*

me: keep your eyes on the project. both of you. *i glance at ned too, then walk back to my table*

and that was that.

or so i thought because later, he's near my locker (which isn't too far from his, actually) alone, looking very suspicious. so i try ignoring him. whatever he's trying to do, i don't want it!

him: oh, this is your locker?? whaaattt??

me: yes peter, this is my locker

him: oh, cool cool... *there's a pause* sooo you know that stark internship i'm doing?

everything i knew about peter parker has been against my will because Flash doesn't ever shut the hell up, but at this point, i'm on auto pilot, so
i just say:

me: no

peter: oh, well, um, i've been doing this stark internship ran by tony stark, and he's been saying stuff about looking for another intern, so i was like "i've got it, tony!!" — cause we're on a first name basis now, and i've tried to call him mr. stark but he s—

*i turn to him* me: peter. the bus leaves at 3:10. it's 3:05. you have 30 seconds to get to the point.

peter: sorry. but look, mr. stark's internship has another spot available, and i was wondering if you wanted that spot??

me: i'll pass. i almost got sued by him the other day, and i'd rather not work for him.

peter: *his eyes are so wide, they look like saucers* he almost sued you???????

me: yep *i close my locker* anyway, thank you peter for the offer, but i formally decline!! see you.

then i was on my way out of the high school and to the bus to go home. and you know, for a split second there i thought everything would be good for me. but then i got a text from an unknown number saying,

"AMARA DAVIS, please visit the Avengers Tower at 5 PM sharp. Dress appropriately."

and the answer would be a flat out no, had i known better. but i didn't.

a/n: oh wow 🧍🏾‍♀️hello. long time no see 😄☝🏾 wrote something because i kinda missed this silly little fic. i think it'll be coming to an end soon... but i have a couple other things up my sleeve for Amara to suffer through, and i can't wait!! woohoo!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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