six. a viral thread presentation

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post endgame ( except no ones dead 🙂 )

amara davis, aged 16/17 still bc of the snap

YOU KNOW YOU'VE HIT your peak when you go viral on the internet. i went viral for calling the avengers out when i was "dead" or whatever. i haven't been sued yet, but i can feel it coming soon.

there's a knock on our front door, so i answer it without checking the peephole. guess who's there. tony mfing stark and captain america. other people would be ecstatic about seeing "earth's greatest heroes" in person, but i'm not too thrilled about it. i try to close the door, but tony uses his foot to block.

"you're @.amaraa on twitter, correct?" asks Cap.

I shake my head. "Nope. No clue who you're talking about, but have a nice day!"

I try to close the door again, but tony pulls out a screenshot of my profile picture. "This you?"

Holy shit bro, that is me!

He clears his throat, preparing to read something. "how the Avengers have ruined my life, a thread." oh god, he's pulling out receipts. "you're saying you didn't make this twitter thread?"

i want to bang my head against the door, but decide against that. i need to be conscious in order to talk myself out of getting sued.

the door opens wider for them. tony walts in like he owns the place, and steve follows behind him. the difference between them is the fact that Cap took the time to shake my hand ( which i reluctantly allowed him to do ), tony didn't.

we kinda all just stare at each other until Steve speaks up, saying, "do you have somewhere we could sit and talk about your ... tweets?"

oh gosh, they wanna sit and talk. this means we're gonna be at this for a while. lord please save my soul. i nod because if i speak, i'll prolly say something outta pocket and get sued for more money and i'm only sixteen, i'm dirt broke.

i lead them to my kitchen and sit closer to the exit because i'm not sure if i'll have to make a run for it ( i prolly will have to ).

"alright," steve folds his hands. "let's talk."

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