two. germany

18 1 2

movie: CA: civil war
amara davis, aged 14/15

SO IT HAPPENED AGAIN, but this we were in Germany. how they decided Germany was the best place to have a battle? i'm not sure. at this point, i think they're just stalking me.

i had went to the bathroom for a second, you know? i do my thing, wash my hands, then come out, and the next thing i know, that spider dude person from Youtube is swinging through the air using his webs. Then he's kicking a black man with waves and wings off the banister ... the more i squint, the more i see how similar he looks to my uncle Sam.

anyway, the dude's accompanied by some white man who's sporting an all black outfit, and wait — does he have a metal arm?

what. the. hell. is. going. on

no seriously, what was going on, and where did everyone go?

the spider dude is perched on something, i have no clue what it is he's standing on, but i really don't care. all i care about is how i'm supposed to get home if there are no airplanes left.

i blink, and spider dude is getting flung out the window by some kind of robot. what?

everything is calmed down now, and i'm pretty sure it's safe enough for me to leave my hiding spot. i stroll out, my hands in my pockets because at this point, i'm used to this type of thing happening.

in order to get out, though, i have to walk down the nonmoving escalators where the two men are. so, i do that as sneakily as i can, but they still notice.

"hey, you aren't supposed to be here!" voiced the black man. his voice was familiar, so i'm pretty sure he is my uncle Sam.

i turned around, pulling my hood down so he could get a good look at me. "nah, really?" i quipped. "i know that! i'm trying to leave ASAP!"

"a-amara? what the hell are you doing here?" asked uncle Sam.

should ask you the same. "

the white man with the long hair turned his head towards him. "who's that?"

"that," he began with a sigh. "is my niece, amara."

i salute his friend then turn to exit. "um, well, have fun ... i guess? i'm gonna leave now cause i want to keep my life." i waved, then went on my way.

"we'll talk about this later!"

"sure." i responded, stifling a yawn.

uncle Sam is now a war criminal, and it took me over a month to get back.

what the fu —

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