Chapter 1

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Albert Wesker was slowly achieving his goal of "taking over the world". Las Plagas, a parasite, was spreading like wildfire in Africa, where Chris Redfield currently was. He was sent there to take care of the madness. If this made anything better, he had a partner that would help him stop all of this. Sheva Alomar. She was very strong, brave, and smart. He was glad to have her as a partner but she couldn't replace Jill. The reason why the word 'replaced' is used is because when Chris is Jill were working on a mission together to go to the Spencer mansion, she was marked as killed or KIA. The reason behind that is, Wesker was there. When Chris and Wesker had their little fight, Wesker had the chance to kill the other. But Jill stopped him by tackling him through the window, falling down with him. So now, her gravestone flashed in his mind every now and then. He blamed himself for her death because he hesitated. He hesitated to kill Wesker. This all began in the mansion, years ago, where Wesker's betrayal came into action. Wesker and Chris had a past together, working side by side and gaining a strong friendhip, a strong partnership. But that seemed to all be a lie. During the time that him and Wesker worked together, Chris started to develope feelings for the blonde, strong feelings. Even during the mansion incident, he still felt something for him, even after everything he's done. Even after the comrades he had killed. Even now, he still feels something. He hated himself for that. If Claire or anyone in the matter knew how he felt towards Wesker, he would be seen as crazy. As a madman. He wouldn't blame them since he's the reason for most of their failures with stopping Wesker. Each time he fought Wesker, he hesitated. The blonde must've noticed and took advantage of it. But he didn't know the reason behind the hesitation which was for the best. This had to be a secret. He wished that he could tell Claire or Jill to get that heavy weight off of his shoulders but even if he had the chance, he wouldn't. And with what was going on right now, with Jill and with what was happening in Africa. As if things could get any more stressful, Chris found out that Jill was actually alive. It was a picture that he came across. It was definitely her, no doubt about it. Soon to find out, she was working with Wesker. Not by her choice though. There was a device that was on her chest that controlled her. Chris and Sheva managed to remove it. After doing that, they chaced Wesker. As they got closer to the final battle with Wesker, Chris wondered if this would be the end for Sheva. if she would die due to his hesitations. That would only add trauma that would follow him to the end. "Chris? Are you alright?" It was Sheva who asked him this, noticing his spacing out state. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit worn out from all of the fighting." He lied. "Well don't get too worn out. We still one more peron to stop then this will all be over." Sheva smiled warmly at him which ached his heart but he smiled back at her, nodding at what she said. So much has happened since that interaction. So much in little time. They managed to somewhat stop Wesker's plan. Now, they were at a valcano, pointing guns at Wesker who was standing on top of a missle that contained Uroboros, a new strain of the virus. The virus that Wesker exposed himself to, as if he wasn't strong enough. The battle was tough since during the fight, Chris and Sheva were seperated. As if things couldn't get any worse, Chris was with Wesker. He didn''t know if he could put an end to this man. It was all too much for him at this point. Thankfully, Chris and Sheva were assisted by Josh and Jill, who were in a helicopter, there to rescue the two. The lava was starting to cover the platforms that the two, and Wesker, were standing on. Jill let down a latter that would allow Chris and Sheva to climb onto. Of course Chris let Sheva on first, taking this chance to look at Wesker. "Chris!" Sheva shouted, snapping Chris out of his tthoughs. He quickly jumped onto the latter, grabbing on and climbing up. Once they both were up, Jill handed them both rocketlaunchers that would put an end to the man down below, aiming them at him. "CHRIS!" Wesker shouted. This single shout caused Chris to hesitate, holding back his shot. The blonde raised his arm up, sending those tentacles or whatever you would call it, Uroboros, up and grabbing the helicopter, causing it to tilt and move in a way its not suppose to. Not grabbing onto something, Chris fell out of the helicopter. A shout of his name was heard by Jill and Sheva. He wondered if this was suppose to happen, if this was meant to be, his karma for all of the hesitations. A flash of white slowly took over his vision before going completly dark. Did he die? Was this what it was like in the afterlife? Just darkness? "Chris?" That was his name. But who was calling him? An old comrade? "Chris?" The voice was more clear and sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Chris!" Chris's eyes shot open as he jolted up.

(I hope you all are enjoying this story so far! Sorry for the long intro or description in the first part of the story! XD Thank you all for reading!)

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